Million Years Ago {avengers}

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i only wanted to have fun. learning to fly, learning to run. i let my heart decide the way when i was young.

steve rogers just wanted to serve his country to the best of his abilities. if he had to lie to do it, so be it; whatever it took. he knew what he wanted, he just needed to get it. when the opportunity arose, it wasn't even a question for him; he was going to take it. he was a selfish man, but with good reason. he always gave, never taking, working and giving himself away in whatever way possible. he would help anyone with anything- unless they touched bucky. oh, no, they would have hell to pay if they touched bucky, because steve rogers didn't give second chances.

captain america just wanted to live a normal life. he wanted to stop fighting and settle down somewhere nice, maybe meet a nice guy or gal and settle down. but he never could. he had spent so much of his life fighting that he couldn't stop now. not when the world seemed to need him most. captain america wasn't the kind of man to abandon anyone, and he wasn't going to start now.

deep down i must have always known, that this would be inevitable. to earn my stripes i'd have to pay and bear my soul.

bucky barnes was a man turned into a weapon of mass destruction. he wanted to live his life like before, but was never given the chance to. it seemed like all he ever did was run. he ran from hydra, he ran from steve, he ran from his problems. only they wouldn't leave him alone, steve wouldn't leave him alone.

the winter soldier wanted out of this mess just as much as bucky barnes wanted to die. he was a dog meant to obey his tamers, but he had grown feral and untamable. in a matter of days his entire life had changed. he no longer had to follow anyone's rules but his own. he was his own master. he was free.

i know i'm not the only one, who regrets the things they've done. sometimes i just feel it's only me who can't stand the reflection that they see.

tony stark was loyal to nobody, the press insisted. not even to his family, it screamed. they didn't know tony stark at all. he didn't have family, which meant that when he found someone to hold on to he grabbed them tight and didn't let go. tony stark was the man who forgave everyone but himself and gave his trust to any who would take it. but tony stark did not follow blindly. he had morals, and thoughts, and dreams, and he wasn't afraid to take away his trust when betrayed.

iron man is a hero, some say. iron man is a menace, others say. what they don't realize is that he's both; he saves and destabilizes. he gains and loses. he loves and hates. there's a fine balance to the man behind the armor, just like there's a balance between good and evil. it was a fine line, one many thought iron man crossed once too often, but they didn't know what he'd been through. they didn't know what he'd seen, felt, suffered.

i wish i could live a little more. look up to the sky, not just the floor. i feel like my life is flashing by, and all i can do is watch and cry.

bruce banner was a man with many phd's and talents, but all anyone ever saw was a monster. even his supposed friends only used him for his power. bruce banner was a kind hearted individual with an inner monster that was just more vocal than others. he didn't want to hurt people. he didn't want to kill. he didn't want to live.

bruce banner wished the hulk didn't exist, so that he could live. bruce banner wished the hulk didn't consume him, control his life, so that bruce banner could thrive and make his name known for his brains, not his brawn. bruce banner wished he would die so that the hulk would cease to exist.

i miss the air, i miss my friends. i miss my mother, i miss it when life was a party to be thrown, but that was a million years ago.

thor was a god, and yet he chose to surround himself with mortals who were sure to die someday while he watched, unchanged. thor was a god who had never been denied any of his wants and needs. thor was a god who, when faced with adversity, could look it in the eye and laugh; not because he was cocky, but because if he didn't laugh he'd surely cry.

thor odinson was a man who had been broken so many times he didn't know what it felt like to be whole. thor odinson was a man who, when given the first opportunity, chose to love and not fight. a man many admired and longed to be; a man who wished he wasn't a god so that he could die like a midgardian, not feeling so much guilt and sadness as he currently did. thor odinson was an empty shell of a man who just wished to stop fighting a losing battle.

when i walk around all of the streets where i grew up and found my feet, they can't look me in the eye... it's like they're scared of me.

natalia romanova was a deadly weapon, made to be used and sharpened to be the best she could possibly be. she knew what she was made to do, but that didn't mean she wanted to do it. somewhere along the path, natalia had gotten lost and fell down the rabbit hole, making friends and even family, forcing her to alter her view of the world. no longer was she alone, and cynical, but pleasant, and friendly. no longer was she natalia romanova, but natasha romanoff, a fierce fighter who would do anything for her family, even if it meant giving up who she was.

black widow could never truly forget herself. she was made to kill, after all, so it would only be a matter of time before she had to leave again. this couldn't last. nothing ever did. the black widow would rise up once again and shift with the winds, going wherever she might please. she would change everything, forget everyone, and evolve. but there were some things the black widow could never forget; the kind voices who gave her a home, the people who welcomed her despite her past, and the memories she had made with them. there were some things natasha romanoff refused to forget.

i try to think of things to say, like a joke or a memory. but they don't recognize me now in the light of day.

clint barton just wanted to live. that's all he had ever wanted, to explore he world and discover who he was. what he found was a family and a home, destroyed by the very people who made it. clint barton had known enough broken homes in his life to never want another, which is why he left at the first opportunity; and why he could never truly escape. not when his family was there, fighting for themselves and each other, wishing beyond reason that everything would go back to normal. clint barton was a cynical man for a reason.

hawkeye was a jokester. it was how he dealt with life. if he didn't laugh, nobody would. if he didn't crack a smile or a joke, everything would be depressing, and hawkeye has had enough depressing things in his years to last a lifetime. hawkeye wished for a friend, and he found a family. hawkeye left, and his family fell apart. he could never win. he would always lose.

i know i'm not the only one who regrets the things they've done. sometimes i just feel it's only me who never became who they thought they'd be.

the avengers were the heroes of their time, saving more people then ever thought possible, and yet they had fallen apart, broken so deeply that they couldn't be repaired. if earth's mightiest heroes couldn't last, then what would?

all of them, the original six, the new members, the lost ones, and the found ones, realized that they had too many problems to ignore. they couldn't just pretend anymore. there were major concerns that couldn't be glossed over. some problems just didn't have solutions, and the avengers learned that the hard way.

i wish i could live a little more, look up to the sky, not just the floor. i feel like my life is flashing by, and all i can do is watch and cry.

the avengers wouldn't last, but the people would. they know what they did, know what sacrifices they made, know how hard it was for them. there are those who wouldn't forget what had been done for their sake. there were those few avengers who gave their life for the sake of people, and those families would never forget what they had done. no matter how the media smeared their names and corrupted their stories, there were those who knew the truth.

there were those who would know the truth and spread it, so that the avengers' memory would go on, uncorrupted and true. those honest few were the ones who made all of the sacrifices worth it.

i miss the air, i miss my friends. i miss my mother, i miss it when life was a party to be thrown, but that was a million years ago. a million years ago.

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