vengeance {c.d.} (c)

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drabble :)

it was time. it was the only way to stop him.

it was now or never.

she closed her eyes as she started glowing, starting out dim but getting brighter by the second.

she thought of you and your support, how no matter how long she was gone you always reminded her how much she meant to you, and how much you needed her.

she thought about how hopeful you were, even on the bad days, when you thought you had nobody.

she even thought of the fights that would happen when she would leave without warning; even remembering those were less painful then accepting your death.

it was time. she couldn't handle any more energy, and she had to release it now. she gave you one more silent goodbye, and then joined you as she gave everything she had to defeat thanos.

it was worth it, seeing you again.

she had done her time. now, it was someone else's turn.

the light hurt tony's eyes. the woman he had barely met but treasured all the same was gone, all remnants of her lost.

he closed his eyes and gave a silent thank you.

he could live now, knowing she had fixed everything.

he owed her his life.

she gave him peter back. she gave him his life back.

he knew he could never thank her enough as he held peter in the hug both of them had wanted since the beginning, but he hoped that wherever she was, carol was happy. she deserved it after a life of pain and lies.

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