Far Away {S.R., B.B., & S.W.} (c)

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characters: steve rogers (captain america), bucky barnes (the winter soldier), sam wilson (falcon)
fandom: MCU (avengers)

Spring 1942

My dearest Steve,

I miss you more every day. I pray that you'll come back to me in one piece with my brother in tow.

Life's been boring without you two.

Without you always getting in fights and getting hurt, I've had nothing to do but wait. And without Bucky, I've had no one to dance with while you shook your head in amusement.

I hope you're getting these letters. I don't have an address to put on these, so I'm relying on the post office to know what to do. I haven't gotten them back, so I imagine they're getting sent.

I miss you, my darling. Come back soon.

Your love,

Fall 1942

Darling Steve,

I haven't heard back from you in a while. Are you and Bucky alright?

I heard that things aren't looking good over there. How are you two faring? Still yourselves? I miss you more every day.

I hope Bucky's not too protective of you. I know that it's always been your dream to join the army, and I do want him looking out for you but... I also want you to be happy. If this is it, then I'm satisfied.

I always want you to chase your dreams, Stevie, even if they leave me behind.

I found a stray kitten in the alley behind the diner we all like to go to. He was small and wet and looked sick, so I took him in.

I named him Steve. I think you'd like him; he's a fighter just like you.

I may not be able to write for a while. I got a job to help the other women with making clothes and shoes for our soldiers. For you, Stevie, and for Bucky.

Come back to me alive, my darling.

Love always,

Summer 1943


I'm running out of clever introductions to call you. If you could ask Bucky for some more, it would be much appreciated.

Steve got into a fight today. By the looks of it, it wasn't his first one. A stray cat came too close to me as I was taking a walk and he hissed at it.

He did okay.

Still lost, though.

I definitely named him correctly.

I miss you both.

For always and forever,

Summer 1943


Tell Bucky he's fired from nicknames. I'm disappointed in him, I gotta say.

How are you holding up, Steve? It's really getting bad out there, isn't it? I want you to know that I'm proud as can be that you're fighting for what you believe in, and I know you're doing all that you can no matter what.

I've always admired that about you. Your tenacity. If I'm being honest with myself I was- am- jealous of it.

You know me, Steve. Always absent-minded and give up way too easily. But you make me better.

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