survivor {t.s.}

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he was the only one left. they were all gone because of him, because he wasn't strong enough, because he couldn't do more.
it was his fault.

he had to right it. pepper would be sad, but... he had to right this wrong.

which is why he was standing on the roof, wind blowing gently through his hair. he had deactivated FRIDAY, knowing she would try and save him with the suit.

this was it.

he looked past the edge, looking at the specks of people below, minding their own business, whose lives were about to be interrupted in the worst possible way. there was no doubt in his mind; he had to do this.

he had always been the villain in his story; now it was time for the hero to defeat him. it was finally time to let go.

he closed his eyes and smiled. he ignored the tears running down his cheeks. he ignored his clothes whipping around his body, and his leaning body, uneven from how he was standing. he took a final breath...

...and jumped.

avengers, assemble was the last thing in his mind.

after all, tony stark had always been a team player, even when his team was gone.

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