Not a Monster {L.L.} (c)

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Warning: a bit of angst, minor language (I used a word I don't particularly like, I apologize) also it's Hela long (see what i did there??)

also idk if i like this? i did at the beginning but now,,, idk

"And stay there, monster!" The guard said harshly as he dragged you into a cell. You hit the ground hard but didn't bother getting up, wondering why you should. It wasn't until you heard the clearing of a throat that you got up, trying to be as put-together as you could. When you looked the man in the eye, your confident demeanor dropped, and you were certain he could see your deepest secrets.

"(Y/N)?" Your name dripped off his lips softly, as though he didn't quite believe it himself. There he stood, his raven hair matching his green and black outfit. It had been long since you saw him last, so you momentarily forgot yourself and launched yourself at him, bringing him into a tight hug. Loki flinched, not used to contact, which caused you to jump back as though he had hit you.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me..." you whispered quietly. You slowly sank down into a corner, arms wrapped around your knees, making yourself as small as possible. Loki frowned at your reaction. He just wasn't used to people touching him and your hug was a shock. He tried getting your attention again, only to have you ignore him. After the third try he gave up, instead opting to watch you and try to find out why you're in there in the first place.

You had always been a kind soul, despite all the evil things life had thrown at you. Your mother had passed during your birth, and your father years later in battle. You had grown up in the castle with the two boy princes, as Frigga had been a close friend of your father's and wanted to take care of you for him. Odin hadn't liked it but didn't say anything, knowing how his wife got. It wasn't long before Loki and you discovered that you two were destined to be more than just mere friends, and it wasn't long after that that you were forced to go to Midgard to help Thor and his Midgardians save their world. They had heard of your powers and needed them to help clean up their mess, as your magic was aimed not to trick, but to enlighten the fact that you could project images to people, almost like an illusion, where you could make them see whatever you wanted, which helped to get answers out of people. It was similar to Loki's, though you could only show illusions, not cast projections or things. The whole quest was supposed to be a quick thing, not lasting more than a month; but then Thor came back without you. Despite being the reason you had gone to New York in the first place, Loki was confused as to why you hadn't returned because he had made sure you weren't harmed in any way. What he didn't know, however, was that the Midgardians would get to you, coercing you into a corner and taking you in to experiment on you. If he had known that, Loki would've found a way out and went to get you, whether you wanted him to or not.

Loki was pulled from his thoughts when a guard barged his way into your shared cell, clanging a tray of food onto the floor and then leaving without a word. Loki moved to get his share, making sure to leave enough for you, but you wouldn't move. You were in the same spot that you had been in for the past hour at least. He frowned; you wouldn't last long without food. He pushed the tray closer to you, not wanting to anger you or push you away further, but was angered by your lack of response.

"(Y/N)?" He asked tentatively, not wanting to startle you. Again, no response and Loki was starting to get worried. "(Y/N), my love?"

"Don't call me that," you said in a cracked, worn-down voice. "I do not deserve it."

Loki looked at you, shocked at your response and how you sounded. "I'm not sure I understand."

You sighed and shook your head, refusing to explain anything to him. "There is nothing to understand. I don't deserve to be called that, and you should stop saying it."

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