Chapter 1

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     I walked through the crowded halls to my locker and after grabbing my books waited for my best, and only, friend Selena to get here. When I saw her running through the school towards me, I realized she was about to spill the latest gossip.
     "What's up Lena?" She sat her books on top of mine while she opened her locker.
     "What's up? As if you haven't heard! James Holland is coming to our school!"
     "For the day?"
     "No! The whole school year." She grabbed her books just as we heard the front doors crash open.
     In came even more people then I thought the hall could hold. Along with all these people came bright camera flashes and millions of mummers and questions flying around.
     They all seemed to follow one man who stood out from the rest of the crowd. He had wavy brown hair and dark blue eyes. From this distance I'd assume he was about a head taller than me. He smiled at everyone as he passed, signing sheets of paper keeping up with everything though he looked beyond tired.
     My friend ran towards the rest of the crowd, pulling out her phone. I ran up to her grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the crowd. "We better go to class or we'll be late."
     She began to pout but I continued. "You can continue to harass him later but let's go before we're late."
     As I took one last glance at the blue-eyed stranger I saw him looking right back at me. I blushed and finished pulling Lena with me to our math class.
     The day went by pretty fast. Me and Selena had every class together except third block biology. In each class more and more whispers filled the room and as if that wasn't enough Lena was talking a mile-a-minute in my ear through all of our classes.
     We parted ways as we went to third block. I fell back into the shadows of the others in front of me, without Lena I was out of place. I was the first one in class and took my solo seat at my table. There were two rows of seats all of them sat two to a person and there were about twenty tables. We had big classes at this school on account that there were so many kids that came here.
     I sat drawing in my binder waiting till I heard the tardy bell to look up. The class was filled by now. Though the teacher was nowhere in site. I began to pull out yesterday's work as the mummers about the famous James Holland filled the room again. I sighed, what was so great about him? I mean sure he was a good actor and even a good person I bet. I just have never understood the fascination with famous people. They are regular people doing regular jobs.
     Just then the teacher walked through the door with none other than James Holland himself. I saw him look around the room and catch my eye I blushed a deep red and looked down, continuing to fiddle with my drawings.
     I was close enough to the front to hear them, I listened in on their conversation.
     Mrs. Appleson was speaking, "- now I know you are the subject of most questions and gossip, but please believe me, I will try to keep the class focused, what I expect from you is to also be working hard. There is no goofing off in my class, not even for actors like yourself. You can choose any empty seat you like. Here is the course work for today, you are exempt from previous assignments, so try to follow along with the class and if you have any questions you may ask you partner."
     "Yes ma'am."
     "Alright go take a seat." She shuffled some papers into his hands and walked to the front of the class to began today's lesson.
     I prayed he wouldn't sit next to me. I didn't want all the attention he would bring my way and there would be attention because just his name spread like a tsunami throughout the school.
     Though when I heard the chair next to me slid out, I knew the gossip was already spreading throughout the class, heck the school!

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