Chapter 14

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We got into costume change. The high school in the movie we went to was a prep school. So we had to put on uniforms.

     As I was looking in the mirror, I was admiring the hard work these artists put into their work when I heard a knock on the door

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     As I was looking in the mirror, I was admiring the hard work these artists put into their work when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I called.
     The door opened and Selena came in. "So... that was intense out there." She was wearing the same uniform. "You okay."
     I turned away from the mirror and faced her. I put on a smile. "Of course."
     She was about to say something when a stage worker stuck his head in and said all actors on stage.
I was surprised at how this all felt, I mean sure I felt out of place but it felt... natural, to be acting.
I pulled myself out of my thoughts and followed my friend out the door. I crossed my fingers, 'no more kissing...'
     When I walked into the stage it was set in a school scene. They had me stand at a open locker. The boys were supposed to come up to me and Selena as we were talking together.
     "AND ACTION!"
     "I didn't know I was going to have to choose. They are both so different. How come I was the one who had to have two guys chasing me and not you, the one person who wants it?"
     "I've been asking myself the same thing." She slapped her hand against my shoulder. "They are coming this way..."
From across the hall Wyatt comes to see Elisabeth. "Ready to go partner "
I plead with my eyes to try to keep her. She looks over my shoulder and around my locker, shakes her head with a devilish smile and says, "Good luck. Just know I do this because I love you."
"Some kind of love." I bury my head in my locker.
They walk up to me and stand on either side of me caving me in. Nathan uses his hand to close my locker and snails at me. "Who's it gonna be rain drop?" His smile falters, "You can't have it both ways."
"Mason and Benson... please don't make me choose...." I looked down at the floor hugging my books to my chest. "Just- Just leave me alone, the both of ya."
I tried to walk off stage when I felt a hand on my wrist. 'What this wasn't in the scene.' I turned slowly around and faced the man holding it, James. He pulled me closer slipping his arm around my waist and his other hand around to my neck shifting through my hair. He tilted my head and kissed me. I was breathless. My hands were laying on his chest and I could feel how fast his heart was beating. Good gravy! When he finally let me go. I held a confused but goofy look. I liked James but I stopped when I saw a sour faced Nathan looking over and holding a stare war with James. 'Did he do it to make Nathan jealous?'
I really stormed off stage them. I'm not a show case item, don't hold me and show me off as a prize.

Comment! Please, I need some reviews to anyone who is still reading!
Thanks to those who are I'm going to make another shout out and it'd be nice to have some new names up!
BTW- I have a great plot twist coming up!


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