Chapter 17

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     It was lunch time and Lena was begging me for details about where me and Nathan were.
     I had originally told her I was in the bathroom and had no idea what he was doing but she saw right past this. I sighed. "He cornered me and questioned me." That sounded a lot weirder being said out loud.
     The line moved forward and I glance back at the seats James and Nathan were saving for me and Lena. "I'm waiting?!?"
     "For?" I knew what for but I was stalling, trying to come up with a good lie.
     "Don't play coy with me Al. Details."
     I made something up on the spot. "He asked me if I was dating James." I mentally slapped myself. That wasn't the right answer. She was like a firecracker and I had just lit her fuse.
     When I finally made it out of the lunch line Lena was already planning my marriage.
     James and Nathan broke apart to from what seemed like an intense conversation. Lena stole the seat next to James with a wicked smile, forcing me to sit next to Nathan. Great. While I loved my friend more than I loved myself her new antics wanted to make me auction for a new one. She seemed to enjoy watching me squirm.
     I met James eyes across from the table, he smiled. I tried returning it but realized it lacked in truth. Nathan's knee bumped against mine and I became painfully aware at how close they make these seats. My knee started taping faster and faster against the floor, a nervous tick.
     Nathan had seen it first. The speed. One of her powers were showing through the seams. He slightly kicked James under the table and motioned with a tilt of his eyes to look down. They shared a knowing glance. Incredible speed. She seemed not to notice. Now they had something to report. And now she had a spotlight on her. They had to double up protection now. They can't let her slip away.
"Al. Stop shaking, the table feels like an earthquake. People are looking."
I barely heard her, feeling angry. I wanted to know what they were talking about? I was distracted when Nathan put his palm above my knee, stopping me from shaking. I shivered from the touch, warm and welcoming, unlike the actual guy himself.
Even though I had stopped shaking his hand was still there. I leaned in and said, "you can move your hand now." He did and I swear I saw a light tinge of blush on his cheeks. It made me laugh. Causing more than a few people to look over at the crazy person.
I was thankful to the slightest degree when the bell rang. But, only halfway thankful because I share all of my classes with Nathan, James, and Lena. I don't know how that was even possible. Maybe for Lena since it's been that way forever. Same year and same small town but to have them in my classes as well. Something was going on.
I shoved it from my thoughts. Only to have a new one pipe up. I thought Nathan and James hated each other? But all you ever see is them together.

      We left the lunch room, heading to our last block. Gym. Last time I was in gym class we were made to run a mile. I didn't know what I was going to do if I was made to run one today. I felt the slight twinge of my ankle as I walked.

     Obviously I couldn't do any running, but I also didn't want my friends to find out that I sprained my ankle again. It would lead to more questions. And one of them would probably be "When did this happen?" I don't want to lie. But what happens when lying is the only option?

     Stepping through the gym doors we sat on the bleachers. The bell rang and the teacher came out of her office. "We are starting the badminton unit today. You have five minutes to change, get a racket, and then get into your teams. They are posted on the wall." She left leaving everyone to separate into their individual locker rooms.

     I decided that I would try to play. I grabbed a stall, changing quickly, making sure all the bruises and scars were covered. I met with the rest of the class at the board to find my team. When I could finally get close enough to read I scroll my finger down the list finding my name and checking who else was on my team: Sarah, Thomas, Nathan, Joan.. Wait... What? I just couldn't seem to get away fro Nathan today! What about Lena, why can't she be on my team?!

     Just. My. Luck. I went to stand with the rest of my group. He saddled up next to me, "Hey partner."

     I ignored him. Which only caused him to get angrier. "Alison." When I continued to tune him out he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the gym doors and down the hall. I tripped after him, unable to keep up because of this stupid ankle, I'll tell you what if i hadn't sprained it again I'd be knocking him to the ground. When we finally stopped it hit his chest with my fist reaching down to grab my ankle.

     "Jerk! What do you want!?"

     He grabbed my hand and held it. "What's wrong with your ankle?" He's eyes held deep concern as he kneeled down and grabbed my calf, lifting my leg. He moved my ankle into the light to see better. Moving the sock, he glared. A large purple bruise spread across the ankle again, a bit bigger this time.

     "How did you hurt it this time?" He didn't really need the answer, he already knew. He grabbed my hand as he stood. "You can talk to me. You have too."

     "I don't have to do anything!"

     "You don't understand."

     "No, you don't understand! I understand my parents hate me! That I'm not good enough! That you don't know me and neither does James, but both of you want to control me and play with my heart! But I won't let you! So leave me alone!" I felt tears spring in my eyes. I stormed off, not bothering to look back. While moving down the hall my rage blinded me. I don't notice someone standing there...


Hello, again!

Sorry for the long wait. I was really busy with school, but an upcoming week off is almost here and I plan to download more often.

I want to give a shout-out to  @BIO13Queen14! Thank you for your comments!

I hope you all are enjoying my book and please, please, please leave me some more comments.

Again, if you have a book you would like me to read I'd be happy too! Just leave me the name in the comments.

Question: Who do you think Alison ran into?

Lots of love,


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