Chapter 8

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We raced through the streets, and hurried out of the car the instant it parked out front of the school. Passing tons of people trying to get another look at James and now it seems me.

Lena who was enjoying all the extra attention was waving at our fellow students, while I was ducking my head trying to escape it all.

One picture. One boy. One moment. Changed my life, maybe for the better.

I grabbed her hand pulling her faster along with me and James. We walked to our lockers and to our classes.

I had got through most of my classes, without too much incident, by sitting in the back of the class, where people would have a hard time looking at me without being called on.

Though when I got to third block things got a little more complicated. James was already there, and his eyes jumped to mine the moment I walked through the door. He gave me a half smile, and I did the same. I realized the room was on the edge of their seat quietly watching our whole exchange. I hurried to my seat and threw my backpack onto the table. I turned to talk to James when I saw him scribbling on a piece of paper. The class began chatting excessively.

He passed it to me. 'Rough day?'

I grabbed my lucky pencil out my bag and wrote back, 'You have no idea, wait, maybe you do.'

As he read it he gave out a low chuckle and I found myself laughing too.

The teacher walked in and the room went silent. I think that's what was so cool about the teachers here that with one movement they could make the room silent, that was awesome.

I never realized one day, an offer would come along.
An offer so perfect I couldn't say no.
I never realized I'd ever be more than the girl in the back of the class.

Hey sorry it took so long for me to update. Anyone who's still reading this is for you!
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