Chapter 3

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I hurried out of class the first chance I got and basically ran to my last class, eager to tell Lena everything. She'd surely know what to tell me to help me make sense of it all.   

When I reached the room, a set of hands grabbed me by my arms and dragged me inside to the very back of the class.


"What's up." She gave me a blatant stare. "I guess you heard the news huh?"

It was rare that I ever found my friend speechless. I started to laugh.

"This is no laughing matter! How could you not tell me your partners with James Fudging Holland!?"

"I didn't know until I got there." I held up my hands in mock defense.

"Well, this is the 21st century, cell phones are a thing you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I held out my arms waiting for a hug. "Sorry Lena."

She returns it with a sigh. "Your lucky I love you or I'd have to hurt you."

"I know." We release each other as the bell rings and people start piling in the classroom.

She pulls me closer to her as we walk towards our seats in the back row, "Details later, promise?"



We left the class shoving our books in our bags as we went. We headed for our lockers which were side by side.

"Where are my details?!"

"Well, there's not much to tell. He's sweet and polite but we didn't talk much. We're going to meet up and study for our new project. That's all I swear."

"Really? Your so lame sometimes." She looked over at my offended face and smiled, "That's also why I love you. But I promise I'll hate you forever if you don't let me come to y'alls study group. I have biology too, say your helping me out." I started to shake my head but looked over at her puppy dog eyes and ended up saying yes.

When I closed my locker I came face to face with James. I fell backwards with shock, and caught myself with a shaky hand on my locker. "What are you doing there?!"

"I was waiting to ask you when you wanted to meet up?"

I looked back at Lena and she mouthed now. "Now's as good a time as any. You okay with that? Oh, and can Lena- sorry Selena here" I pointed behind me "join us? She has biology too just not at the same time."

     ~Side note/ Alison and Selena both have biology though they switch when they go to lunch. For ex. When Alison's at lunch Selena is there then they switch and then they go to their last block. Sorry it this is confusing!~

"That's fine. Shall we get going?"

"Let's!" Lena says as she leads the way.

I mouth 'sorry ' to James as I point towards my hyperactive friend. He just smiles and nods.

Oh goodness, how I'm beginning to love his smile.

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