Chapter 13

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"We want you."
"Excuse you?"
"Starling Agency. This is John speaking. We have seen you floating around the media for awhile now and want you to co-star with James."
I didn't really sound like an offer it sounded like it was already a done deal. "Sorry I can't. My parents wouldn't let me. Anyways I don't want to be famous. Thanks for considering me though." Before they could say something else I hung up.
I really did appreciate the offer and wanted to take it but I knew I wouldn't be good at it and quite frankly didn't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone at the agency.
Just then another phone rings when I check that it's not mine or Lena's I look over at James. He grabs it and answers, "Hello? Yeah, again? Okay." He looks at me. "It's for you."
I grab it, our hands sliding against each other's. I shiver, see Johns name and say, "What John. Can't do it. I'm not the girl for the part."
"But that's just it you are. Here, look just come in act out a few scenes and if you still don't like it don't come back."
It really couldn't hurt. "Fine. When?"
"Now and bring your friends James and Selena too."
"How do you know who Se-" They hung up.
Really, that's the way you treat a maybe future client? Whatever.
I throw the ice pack on my ankle into the freezer.
     "Selena you want to go on a road trip and become a movie star?"
     "I thought you'd never ask." She laughed, a excited glean in her eyes.

     It was a quick drive and we found ourselves sitting across from John in a meeting room. Two other people were sitting in there already.
     One was a blond about my age maybe a year or two older. He was a little taller than me and smiled and started conversation with us. The other was tall, dark, and menacing. He stared at me from across the table. I shifted uncomfortably but stared right back. I noticed James had stoped talking and glanced in his direction. He was starring at the black haired stranger too. I looked back at him and he was smirking at James. "James are you okay?" He looked over at me and smiled.
"Of course."
"John got off the phone. "Alright, mnow the writers have given us the okay. They want you to act three scenes out."
     It was a fairly magical process. We were rushed into dressing rooms and had our makeup,hair and clothing done. They gave me a red off the shoulder dress. The front came down the just above my knees and the back hung lower. It was beautiful. When they handed me high heels I wanted to decline the deal. I knew with my klutziness this was going to be bad. Kathrine the the artist behind my look said, "you'll be fine honey. Come on, they go perfectly with this dress." I gave in taking the silver heels and sloping them on.

     I was careful when walking because a sprained ankle and high heels were enough to kill me

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     I was careful when walking because a sprained ankle and high heels were enough to kill me. But it was getting better so I wasn't too worried. I walked out and walked onto the stage. The director was seated behind the camera. "There's our star."
     "I'm no ones star yet."
     "Alright let's start. Nathan get ready for the kissing scene."
     I had to do a double take to make sure I heard. "The What?!"
     Nathan walked up behind me and whispered in my ear. "The kissing scene. What's the matter, are you nervous. You should be."
     My face turned red. Not from embarrassment but from anger at how anyone can be so cocky.
     "Okay James you are going to be coming in with a bouquet of roses and you will see Nathan with Alison. Read the cards for your scripts since you haven't had time to mesmerize them. And ACT!"
Nathan took my hands in his and I felt mesmerized by his face. What was wrong with me.
"You can't be with him! Emma, it's me that was meant for you!"
Rain began to pour down on us.
"That's exactly why I can't be with either of you. Don't you understand?"
"No." He leaned down and kissed me.
My first kiss had been with James but his was different his was sweet and tender and Nathan's was rough and intense. It was overwhelming and ended all to quickly. Wait... what. I meant took forever to end.
"Perfect and cut."
I was so caught up in the moment I didn't even realize James was standing right there.
His jaw was clenched and the roses he was holding shook twisted under his fist. Nathan distracted me when whispering in my ear. "Now you know what a real kiss feels like." He walked away smiling.
I glared at his retreating figure. James came up. "That was... believable."
"I didn't want to did this. I told you that."
"I know." He sulked off.
Knowing how the last scene went I wasn't really looking forward to this next one...

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