Chapter 6

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We decided to make a stop at the little 24-hour store close to my home, to pick up the things we'd need for our project. Lena had to call her partner and ask him if he thought they needed anything else, too. We walked quickly through the store, James had on a hat and sunglasses, which didn't work very well because, we heard whispers as we walked down the isles.

"Is that really him?"

"It can't be?"

"Who is he with, if that really were him?"

They continued as we searched the isles for what we needed. We rushed to self checkout, trying to get out as fast as we could. I hadn't realized how popular he really was. He seemed really anxious to get out.

We left without much incident. And then headed for the coffee shop, carrying our bags in our arms.

We excitedly walked to the little shop, which was Lena's idea, she said Nook's was way better than any Brewsters, plus Lena's Uncle ran the place, so he would often give us discounts. We haven't eaten there for a long while, we loved the place, so we thought this would be as good a time as any to go there. One of the best things about the place: No media. Best place to take a movie star, was my guess. Jared strictly forbid cameras in his shop.

We walked in and Lena went in search of a table. I ordered for the both of us and waited for James to figure out what he wanted. We walked over to the waiting area, on the way I hadn't noticed was a spilt coffee they forgot to clean, I slipped falling backwards.

James caught me, his knee under both of mine, and his arms wrapping around my waist. We sat there for a minute our breath mixing in the air we shared. I blushed, noticing the slight ache I felt in my ankle, I waved it off.

"You okay?" He had a face of concern showing, his blue eyes displaying so many emotions at once it was hard to define any one of them.

"I-I'm fine. Thanks for catching me. That could have been dangerous for me. I can fall just by walking." I shut up because I thought that was too much information into my klutzy life.

We stayed there motionless for a moment more and I thought he was going to kiss me.


Camera flashes zoomed in on us and we turned seeing my best friend pushing her way towards us, yelling at the paparazzi people, trying to get their next story.

"Get out of the way. Have you no heart!" She shouted as she pushed and yelled. "My Uncle doesn't allow cameras in his shop!"

James pulled me up and tucked me into his chest hiding my face from view. "I won't let them ruin you too, I'm sorry to drag you into this." I found it to be a very cryptic comment to make but sweet all the same.

I saw Lena grabbing the coffees, refusing to leave them behind and a very excited clerk at the counter talking excitedly on the phone and I had a sneaky suspicion that she outed him to the press. I was pretty sure she was going to be fired by tomorrow.

James pushes his way through the crowds glancing back at Lena to see if she could make it through all right behind us. We duck and run.

Out on the streets we were no better off. They quickly began to crowd with on lookers gathering to see what all the commotion was about, spotting James, they began to freak out as well.
Things really began to get out of hand when news crews began to arrive. They made their way through the crowd to us, as we were still fighting to figure a way out. They began to shove microphones in our faces, asking to many questions to follow them all. "Who are they James? What are you doing here? Can we have a statement? How bout a picture? What's her name?"

James threw his hat on top of my head and grabbed mine and Selena's arm in both of his and we began to sprint, forcing people out of our path.

We burst out of the crowd and I began to feel my ankle worse now, as it protested my each step.
We ran around the corner and back and forth through alleyways, losing more and more people each time.

For some reason it felt odd that James knew where he was going, sure he lives here now but he hasn't been for that long, but yet he knew it like the back of his hand? That didn't seem possible. I made a note to tell Lena this later.

When we finally lost the crowd, we headed straight back to my house. Once there we shut all the blinds and windows. Dropping our wrinkled bags on the floor next to us. We collapsed onto the couch exhausted and out of breath.

"I'll send my assistant back for your car." James laid his arm on the couch behind my head.

I grabbed my ankle touching it slightly with the tip of my finger, and winced in pain as I felt the throb radiate throughout the ankle.

I quickly covered up my feet with a blanket, and looked towards the two.

"Coffee anyone?" I smiled, lifting up my coffee, that was missing half of it's contents.

This caused everyone to laugh and grab their ruined coffees too. Note to self, never run with coffee again, it's way to precious to waste. We began the work on the project.

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