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I could not find myself to get her off my mind.

I went home that night, thinking about her, and the way she spoke, the way she saw things. She did not see her life as something she should try and enjoy. It was as if she'd given up and lost hope in everything. To her, she saw her life as something that she'd lose. She was sad and lonely, wanting nothing to do with the outside world.

It was sad to see her like this, and I'd only the girl for a day. I told myself I'd bring some life to the hospital, and make it more bearable. I can't fulfill that throughout the whole place, but I can fulfill that in Alex's life. All she needs is someone to count on, someone to talk to. A little friendship is all she needs to find her purpose again.

That's what she needs to do. Find her purpose, and see all this life has to offer. All the sadness she's feeling, will be turned into euphoria. And my goal, is to help her feel euphoric.

After all, everyone needs a little bit of happiness sprinkled into their life sometimes.

I walked out of my last class for the day, and looked around for Grayson. I was going to go visit Alex at the hospital today. Technically, Grayson and I only have to go once a week, but if I'm going to be a good friend, I'm going to go visit her more then once.

I spotted Grayson across the hallway, and walked over to him, patting his shoulder to let him know I was walking next to him.

"Hey Grayson," I said.

"Hey E. What's up?" He asked, holding some textbooks in his hands.

"Well, I was actually going to tell you that I'm not going home after school today, so we can't ride together," I said.

"That's fine. I have practice anyways. Where are you going?" He questioned.

It was not normal for me to tell Grayson me plans last minute. Usually we talked about our plans for the day in between classes, or we'd text each other.

"Oh um, I'm just meeting up with a few kids from Chemistry to study for a test we have coming up," I lied, trying to make up a reasonable excuse.

I didn't want to tell him where I was going. At least, not yet. I wanted my friendship with Alex to be a secret for now. For all I know she may not even want to see me.

"You never study Ethan," he replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, I've decided since its senior year I want to do well. I'll see you at home," I said, grabbing my car keys.

"Alright. Have fun studying I guess," he responded, suspicious of my actions. He knew I was up to something.

"See ya later Gray," I said, walking to my car.

I got in, throwing my backpack and books in the back, then put the key in the ignition and turned it on. I left the school parking lot, and began my drive to the hospital, which wasn't too far away.

Once I got to the hospital, I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car, making sure to have my phone with me.

I was met with the dreaded white hallways and creepy yellow lights as I walked in, the same sterile scent filling my nose. This place would look so much better if they at least painted the walls a different color and added some fake plants. A nice blue wall and fake green plants would make this place feel a little bit more alive.

Euphoria - E.D. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant