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Time spent with those we love should be cherished, and never taken for granted. No matter where we may be, somewhere far and exquisite, or somewhere as simple as home, time spent with those we love is always enjoyable.

I knew from the start that I wouldn't take a moment spent with Alex for granted. I knew if she left me one day, I wanted the time I spent with her to be beautiful, not a second wasted.

I like to believe that the relationship Alex and I had was much different than any other relationship a person would see.

We met in a hospital, all because I had to get in volunteer hours for a class.

Since that's where we met, it's where Alex and I spent a majority of our time together. I never once went to her house, laid in her own bed with her in her bedroom.

Typically, our time consisted of walking down hospital hallways, or sitting in Alex's room, occasionally being interrupted by once of her nurses.

When I got rediagnosed with cancer, we not only were able to see each other more often than usual, but it brought us closer together.

I picked her up for our very first date at the hospital, not at her house.

And although our story was written a little differently than every other love story, I wouldn't have wanted it to be any other way.

All that happened with us fell perfectly in place, everything was as it should be.


"This is so boring," I complained, tossing my phone up and down, sitting up in bed.

Grayson looked over at me from the couch he sat on, raising his eyebrows and shaking his head, "You've probably said that for the hundredth time today, and it's not even noon yet."

I sighed, throwing my head back on my pillow, "I know, but it is boring. I don't want to just sit here."

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, go for a walk, go outside, just something more entertaining."

"You know they aren't going to let you get out of bed, Ethan," he responded, his eyes still locked on his phone screen.

"Yeah I know. Where are mom and dad anyways?"

"They're talking to your doctor. Mom said it was something important. They left while you were sleeping," he answered, looking up from his phone screen.

I was taken back to the hospital, rushed I should say, a week before I was supposed to go back. Two nights prior, I woke up in the middle of the night with an unbearable pain in my leg, where the cancer is. I couldn't even stand up to leave my bed, so my parents knew I had to go back to the hospital.

"Interesting," I quietly said.

Just then, one of my nurses walked into my room, coming to check up on me once again.

Once I was taken back to the hospital, I began to run a fever, and that put everyone into more worry, because if not cared for right away, I could've gotten worse.

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