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Life is all about taking risks, making decisions, and sometimes, being reckless.

It's what makes life fun. If we just sat around all day, scared to try new things, our lives would be filled with nothing but boring days. Taking chances and having unexpected outcomes is what makes days memorable, and it allows us to be adventurous.

Obviously, there is clearly nothing wrong with taking life easy at times. Sometimes we just need to take a break, and do something simple. The greatest thing about that is we can still find joy in the simplest things.

However, a little bit of risk taking and new experiences is needed at times. Sometimes we need to get that extra dose of excitement.

And, I decided to give Alex a little dose of recklessness, safe recklessness, on our next adventure.

After all, a little thrill can feel great sometimes, right?

Alex and I sat in my car, parked in a parking lot. She looked at me with her mouth dropped open, and her face was filled with shock and confusion. Her eyes were wide and she said nothing, waiting for me to say something.

"Ethan are you crazy?!"

I shrugged my shoulders, "No. Well, maybe just a little, but come on, I promise it'll be fun."

She crossed her arms over chest and looked out the window, shaking her head, "No, no way. There is no way I am doing this."

"Oh come on, I promised you our next adventure would be more exciting."

"Not this!"

"What's so bad about it?"

"Ethan, we're at a tattoo parlor!"

Yes, I brought Alex to a tattoo parlor. I know it seems crazy, and, I guess it is, but I wanted to do something a bit more...exciting and risk- taking.

It came as a surprise to Alex, because just like our first adventure, I didn't tell her where we were going or what we were doing.

Her parents were well aware of what was going on, and surprisingly enough, they agreed to it right away. I don't know what made them let me take there daughter to a tattoo parlor, but they did, and were oddly quite fond of it.

All I had to do was convince Alex.

"Sometimes you have to do the unexpected, Alex."

"Getting a tattoo is a big choice, Ethan," she returned.

"Just a few days ago you said you wanted a tattoo! You were so excited about getting one," I stated.

"I want one, but my parents probably don't want me to get one. They'll probably flip out."

"Actually, I already talked to them. They said it was fine. They actually really liked the idea."

"You did?"

"I talked to them last night after I dropped you off at your house," I replied.

"I don't know Ethan..I mean, I don't even know what I'll get," she said, looking at the parlor in front of us.

"Come on," I smirked, "I know you want to Alex. How about this? I'll go first, and while I'm getting my tattoo, you can think about what you want," I offered.

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