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Alex and I had one day left with each other until she went back to the hospital for her next round of chemotherapy.

Although I knew her time at home would be short lived, and she'd have to go back to that dreadful place, I didn't want to accept it.

I didn't want to see her confined in those four white walls, with tubes and wires attached to her fragile body.

I didn't want to see needles getting poked into her precious skin.

I didn't want to see her feeling weak and tired, making the only way we could spend time with each other be while she laid in bed, and I sat beside her with her hand clutched in mine.

I wanted to explore with her, go on countless adventures together forever. I wanted to take her out and do teenage things together like sneaking out, staying out past curfew, going on cliche dates, and so much more.

My one desire was to see her live life, and she couldn't.

We had one last time to go on adventure together, and I wanted to make it special. This was our last time to create a beautiful memory until she gets released again, if she ever does.

Alex insisted that she decided what we'd do, because she'd be in the hospital on my 18th birthday, and wouldn't be able to do much to celebrate.

I was slightly adamant about her proposition, because I wanted the adventures to be about her and for her, not about me. I could easily go out on an adventure whenever I pleased, but Alex could not.

If there was one thing I knew, it was that I didn't want Alex and I's last adventure to be anything too extravagant and overwhelming. The most thrilling thing we'd done was get tattoos, but even that wasn't too extravagant.

I always saw Alex and I's adventures as dates, even if we weren't a couple. Deep down inside, I knew I loved Alex, without a doubt. She was unlike any girl I'd ever met before, but I was scared to confess my love. I feared she wouldn't love me back, or would laugh in my face, but I would have to confess my love to her, eventually.

Anyways, I figured, as a date, we didn't need to do anything fancy or spend a lot of money. Love comes from within, not from materialistic items, and my adventures with Alex were always the greatest whenever we did the simplest things.

After some thought, I decided I'd take Alex to the beach on our last day together. When we first met, she told me she loved the beach dearly. She always went there as a child, and she loved the simplicity of it.

I figured taking her would be something special, and it sure was.

"You look extra happy today," Alex stated, adjusting her seatbelt, "What's up your sleeve, Ethan Dolan?"

I took my eyes off the road for a few seconds to look at her, then returned to driving, "Nothing's up my sleeve, Alexandra," I replied, mimicking her use of my full name, "I'm just excited to be with you today."

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"The beach. I know it's cold out, but I figured, why not? Plus, I brought extra sweaters and blankets."

"Really? I haven't been to the beach in forever!" She excitedly squealed.

"I knew you'd be excited," I laughed, "I remember you telling me you love the beach, so, I figured it'd be the perfect date."

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