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I woke up in the early hours of the morning, darkness still consuming the sky since the sun had not risen yet. It was a little after 4 in the morning, and I groaned at the thought of being up so early, but got up anyways, reminding myself there was one and only one reason why I'd ever wake up at such an hour on a Saturday morning.

After talking with Alex's parents, they agreed to let me take her out for the day, and just spend time with her. Her nurses were very fond of the idea since she was allowed to go home between her treatments, and she'd never left the hospital when she was allowed to. Alex and her parents went home the night before, that way it'd be easier to pick her up.

She was a bit hesitant when I told her I'd be picking her up at such an early hour, but agreed to it anyways, and showed a bit of excitement at the thought of finally going out again and doing something other than lying in bed, flipping through the tv, reading books, or watching her nurses walk in and out of her hospital room.

Overall, it's safe to say Alex was excited to do something fun again, and to feel like an actual teenager for once.

I crawled out of bed, mentally whining at the sudden chilly air hitting my body as I unwrapped myself from my blankets. I slowly trudged over to my closet, grabbing a sweatshirt and pulling it over my torso, then switched my pajama bottoms for a pair of joggers. Too lazy to do my hair, I opted to put a beanie on instead to cover my disheveled hair, and grabbed an extra sweater for Alex before leaving my bedroom.

My feet tiptoed down the wooden steps, cautious not to wake Grayson or my parents. Although, my attempt of silent leaving my house failed when I tripped over my shoelace, and fell down on the ground, my keys falling out of my hand and noisily falling onto the ground.

I stood up, and rolled my eyes at my lack of tying my shoelaces. Once I had everything in place and pulled my coat over my body, I walked out the door and into the wintry air. I hurriedly made my way into my car, and turned it on right away to warm up, then began to drive over to Alex's house.

The drive was not too long, and once I had arrived I silently walked up the sidewalk, and looked up to her bedroom window on the second floor. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pressed on her contact name, calling her to let her know I had arrived.

"Hello?" She whispered.

"I'm here. Look out your window," I quietly spoke.

She walked over to her window and pulled the curtain open, and I waved up at her when we made eye contact. A small smile grew upon her lips, and she returned the wave, then walked away from the window.

"I'm heading downstairs now so I'll be out in a few minutes. I still don't understand why we have to leave so early. Do you know how comfortable I was under my blankets?"

"Considering how cold I am just standing outside, I wish I was still tucked under my blankets too. I promise what we're going to do will be fun though. You'll see."

"Well, I trust you. I'll see you right now," she said before hanging up. A few minutes later, Alex walked out of her house and down the driveway, where I greeted her with a hug.

"You're cheeks are so cold, and you're nose is pink," she giggled, bopping my nose.

"It's freezing out here. I don't think I can feel my fingers anymore. Let's hurry up and get in the car," I said, guiding her over to my car.

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