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After Alex received her second round of chemotherapy the next day, I decided to give her sometime for herself. Although she did tell me it'd be nice if I was there, I decided it'd be best if I wasn't. I knew she'd be tired and would be feeling much more ill, so it'd just be better to let her rest.

I felt like I'd sort of be barging into her personal life I was there, and that was the last thing I'd want to do considering we weren't very close friends yet.

She never left my mind though. I found myself thinking about her all day, wondering how she was doing. It had slowly become a distraction for me, and I could hardly concentrate on what I was doing. The thought of her laying in bed, having no energy to do anything and feeling much, much sicker, was a sad thought to think about. I hated that she had to live this way, attached to all these wires and tubes, having chemicals pumped into her body.

After laying on my bed for a while, I decided that it'd be a good idea to clear my mind, and to let go of everything that I was slowly overthinking. I grabbed my phone and slipped on a pair of vans as I made my way downstairs. Grayson sat at the couch, watching TV, and I walked over to him to see if he wanted to come with me.

"Hey Gray. I'm gonna go skateboarding, do you wanna come with me?" I asked.

He turned his eyes away from the TV screen and looked at me, letting out a yawn, "No thanks, I'm kind of tired. I'll go next time though, okay?"

"Okay. See ya later Gray," I responded, and walked out to the garage to grab my skateboard.

"Bye E," he shouted from the living room.

I grabbed my skateboard and walked out to the street, setting it on the ground. Music quietly played on my phone, and I began to ride down the street, feeling at ease.

The wind hit my face and blew through my hair as I quickly rode my board. The air was slightly chilly, but nothing too terrible, and the sky had clouds scattered about, covering up some of the beaming sun. Birds flew in the sky and sat upon fences, the trees swaying with the wind. Cars quickly passed me as I rode down the road.

A smile was planted on my lips and I felt content in this moment, all my stress and worries the last thing I was thinking about. It was refreshing to be outside, and quite frankly was very healthy to be getting fresh air after feeling so stressed. All that I had been overthinking was no longer on my mind, and I much calmer.

I began to pass by a large grass field, where a meadow laid behind and animals roamed around in the grass. My attention shifted away from the road and towards the animals that had suddenly caught my attention. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and attempted to take a few pictures, but it didn't work out so well.

In the midst of looking out at the grass field and trying to take a picture, I lost control of my skateboard, and lost my balance. My board became wobbly, and the wheels turned left and right, then soon enough I fell onto the paved street, my body skidding across it.

My arms rubbed against the rough road and my hand made a rough landing, rubbing against the pavement as well. Pain shot through out my body, and I slowly tried to get up.

"Ahh," I groaned in pain, holding my arm and my left hand. My entire arm had a huge gash across and was bleeding nonstop, and my hand got cut up, with a large opening across it. I slowly walked over to my board, hissing in pain as I grabbed it.

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