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Alex's POV

I sat in bed, watching snowflakes slowly fall to the ground, creating a perfect winter landscape.

Fog covered the window, and snow laid upon the windowsill, making it seem as if I was in some winter wonderland. A cold wind filled the air, swaying the tree branches back and forth. Icicles hung from the windowsills, and the roads were cleared of snow. The sky was consumed with large and fluffy grey clouds, not a speck of sunlight in sight.

The entire setting made it seem like a particularly gloomy day, but I didn't let that bring my mood down.

I wanted to be joyful, and enjoy all that the day I had to offer. I smiled at the picturesque landscape that my window provided me with, showing me this was one of the many small, yet beautiful things life had to offer.

I had been feeling much more positive than I ever had in a long time, and I enjoyed it. When we discovered I had cancer, all motivation I had slipped out of my hands, and lost each ounce of it. Hearing such a thing made me feel like there was no purpose to my life anymore, and there was no point in being happy.

That all changed though, when Ethan came into my life.

When we first met, I was quite skeptic about letting a stranger into my life. In my mind, I thought he simply saw me as a pity party, and was doing it all for himself. I quickly discovered that I was wrong, and that he wanted so much more than to feel sorry for me.

Ethan wanted to make a difference in my life. He knew how I felt and what I was going through, and he wanted to help me enjoy life, more than I ever imagined I would.

All Ethan wanted was to show me that he was there for me, and that I could always count on him, because we were friends. He showed me what mattered in life, and what didn't. When there were times I'd breakdown and have bad days, he never failed to cheer me up or help me get through it. He knew when it was a good time to visit me, and when I needed some space.

Ethan was by far, the most pure, kindhearted, adventurous, humble, and loving person I had ever met.

I never imagined someone as loving as Ethan was would come into my life, but he did, and I was extremely thankful for that.

A peaceful silence filled the air, and I played with the seams of my blanket, as I waited for Ethan to arrive.

I looked over to my bedside table, spotting the maroon beanie Ethan had given me. Well, I took it from him, but he let me keep it anyways. It was nice always having it with me, as weird as it may sound to some. The beanie smelt like Ethan's sweet aroma, so it was like I always had him with me.

A part of me wanted to put the beanie on, to cover my head, and the other told me not to, reminding myself what Ethan always told me.

"You're beautiful Alex, without or without hair. I don't care if you have a bald head. I' will always love you, and the people who care about you will always love you too."

I shook my head, deciding not I didn't need to cover up my head with a beanie.

Ethan never failed to make me feel like the most beautiful and loved girl in the world.

I picked my phone and texted Ethan, checking where he was at.

Me: Where are you? I can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you, even if it's a day late.

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