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I looked at the girl I loved, as she slowly left the world. It was now a little after 4 in the morning, and I hadn't left her side the past 10 hours. I was tired and hungry, but I couldn't bare leaving her side for a few minutes.

I sat beside her, embracing every last moment we had together. Her parents stood in the back of the room, holding one another in each others arms. Her two siblings sat in some chairs, looking at their younger sister. The room was filled with sorrow. As much as we all wished for her passing to be filled with remembering the great life Alex lived, it wasn't. We were all too sad to let go of such a beautiful girl to think about anything other than feeling sad, not wanting her to leave.

Alex held her hand in mine as tightly as she could with the little strength she had left, her eyes closed as I gently ran my hand across her face, caressing her cheek. Her body shivered, goosebumps running across her pale skin, and I pulled another blanket over her body, hoping she'd stay warm. I leaned over the side of her bed, placing a kiss on her cheek, some of my tears falling onto her face.

Her eyes opened, revealing the same, bright, ocean blue orbs I fell in love with, and she lifted her free hand up, her thumb wiping away some of my tears. "Ethan?"

"Yes Alex?" I said.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Alex," I gave her a sad smile.

"You made my last few months on earth the greatest time of my life, Ethan. I'll never be able to thank you enough for everything, E."

"I'm not ready for you to leave Alex. You can't," I sadly said.

"Me either E, but it's my time to go."

"No it's not Alex. You don't deserve to have life taken away from you at such a young age. You deserve to grow up and experience life, like graduating high school, falling in love, getting married, starting a family. You'll never experience that. It's not fair," I whispered.

"I did fall in love Ethan," she quietly said, smiling, "I fell in love with you. A kind, loving, adventurous, caring soul. And there's no one else I would want to fall in love with besides you."

She ran her hand across my face, pushing my hair up off of my forehead. "You were my first love, my first kiss. You were the first boy to show me what true love is, that beauty on the inside is what matters. When I felt unworthy, you picked me up and made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. You did that, Ethan," she said.

"I wouldn't have wanted to fall in love with anyone else either," I quietly said.

"You showed me how to be positive, and how to enjoy life. You're the strongest person I've ever met. You fought through every obstacle you encountered, and look at you now, Ethan. You're healthy, and you beat cancer for the second time. You did all of that, E."

"You're strong too, Alex. You fought as hard as you could," I replied.

"I guess I did. I couldn't have done it with out you," she responded, giving me a small smile.

"Promise me one thing, Ethan."


"Never quit being who you are. Never lose the caring, humble, humorous, adventurous, kind, and positive personality you have. You have such a beautiful soul, E, and you instantly light up a room. You changed my life with the beautiful soul you have, and you can change others lives too. Promise me you'll never change who you are. Okay?"

"I promise I won't. For you," I replied, blinking away my tears.

"Promise me you'll always remember me too. We'll be reunited some day, in a better place," She quietly said.

"I'd never forget you, Alex. You were my first love, and greatest gift I could ask for," I cried.

Her hand held onto mine, tightly squeezing it, as she took in my presence, and the rest of the world, one last time.

"T-thank you for everything, E-Ethan. I love you so much, E-Ethan G-Grant D-Dolan," she said, a small smile on her face, as she took one last look at me and her family, speaking her final set of words.

One last breath escaped her mouth, before her eyes shut, her heart stopped beating, and the heart monitor flatlined.

Loud, broken sobs left my mouth as the loud ringing noise of the monitor filled my ears. I sat up in my wheelchair, as I held her tightly and rested my head on her chest, my body shaking with each sad sob.

Her parents stood on the other side of her bed, crying in each others arms as they mourned over their daughter's death.

Her older siblings stood towards the back of the room, quietly crying over the loss of their younger sister.

I never felt so much sorrow, so much pain, and had never seen so many tears all at once, then I did on the day Alex died.

Grayson walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder as he sat in a chair next to me. He gave me the most sympathetic look he'd ever given, opening his arms to bring me in for a hug.

I frowned, tears running down my cheeks nonstop, my vision becoming blurry. "S-she's gone, G-Grayson. A-Alex is g-gone," I cried, my body shaking, and my tears staining his shirt.

I let go of his embrace, my breathing uneven, my body still shaking, and salty tears still falling out of my eyes.

"I l-loved h-her. I'll always l-love her," I whispered.

Authors note:
Didn't really know how to end this, so I'm sorry if it's kind of odd. I might go back and fix it later if I think of a better ending. Also, one more chapter left of this book!

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