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Life is funny in which the way it works. We really never know what we have coming at us.

One minute, life could be going perfectly, with no problems, no worries, and no pain. The next minute, it'll feel as if life is crumbling down upon us, and seems as if there is nothing we can do to stop it from falling apart.

This became very true in my life, except, what was crumbling down at my feet was something I already experienced before.

And what's the worst part of terrible things happening in our lives?

It not only affects us personally, it also affects the friends and family that constantly surround us.

The three weeks Alex and I had together were by far, the best three weeks of my entire life. Whoever thought going to the beach, watching the sunrise and sunset, going on ice cream dates, and cuddling while watching movie together, could be so enjoyable?

Once those three weeks ended, the fun not only ended for Alex, but for me as well.

I had yet to tell Alex what was going on in my life, because I didn't want her to worry about me, when she should be concerned about her health.

Ever since I was declared, "cancer free", I have had monthly check ups with my doctor to ensure my tumors have not reappeared. The past four years, I've been completely fine, and my family has nothing to worry about.

It's always nerve wracking going for my check ups, because I never know what I'm going to here. There's always that small part of me that says, "It's back, your cancer has returned," even though it's never happened these past four years.

The morning I woke up with a very uncomfortable pain in my leg, my parents called the doctor right away, and we went in for a check up the following morning. They took x-rays and ran countless amounts of tests on me, to see what was wrong.

It's funny though, how so much was done on me that morning, even though the doctor, my parents, and myself, all knew what was wrong. We just didn't want to except it though, because the truth is painful. So instead, we did all in our power to put off hearing the truth.

After running many, many tests on me that Monday morning, the doctors office told my family and I we wouldn't get the results back for another two weeks.

Two weeks later, it was mine and Grayson's 18th birthday.

Our birthday was spent well. It was on a Friday, conveniently enough, and we were already on winter break until the next semester began. Overall, it was a nice day, except for a phone call my parents received mid afternoon, the day of our birthday.

Grayson and I didn't have much planned out for our 18th birthday. We were never much of the party type, and quite frankly, we weren't in the mood to have any huge celebration. So, Grayson, our older sister, and I, spent the day ice skating, drinking way to much hot chocolate, and doing stupid stuff in the snow.

"Good morning twin!!" Grayson yelled, running into my room and opening up my curtains.

Sunlight and confetti hit my face as I was awoken by him shouting happy birthday multiple times.

I rolled over, putting a pillow over my face, as I attempted to ignore him, "You know Gray, we're 18. Not 5," I said as I sat up in bed, "Nice hat," I told him, laughing at the party hat on top of his head.

Euphoria - E.D. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ