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Prom is by far, one of the most exciting, yet cliché high school experiences. Some people love it, and others hate it.

It's a night when we come together with friends, get dressed up, take pictures, and make memories. It's also a night that can seem overrated, because it isn't always as fun and magical as everyone claims it to be.

Alex always told me she dreamed of going to prom, yet never thought she'd be able to go due to her situation. Each time she spoke of prom, her eyes lit up like none other, she never wiped the smile off her face, and her voice was filled with so much joy.

And I knew I had to give it to her.

She had so little time left, and I wanted to give her all that she dreamed of, because she deserved it.

Unfortunately, we were both stuck in the hospital the day of my senior prom, so things had to be accommodated for the two of us.

So, with a little help from others, I gave Alex my own, special version of prom.

It was better than the two of us could have ever imagined it to be.

The day of our, "prom", was two days before my surgery, so it really was Alex and I's last chance to be together before our lives would change.

It was without a doubt, a night I'll never forget.

I stood in the bathroom connected to my hospital room, fixing my hair. My fingers ran through my hair, making it look much better, since I never took the time to do it anymore, and just wore beanies all the time. I then shaved my face, and once finished, I looked much more presentable than I did before.

After walking out of the bathroom, I changed into black dress pants, and a white button up shirt, rolling up the sleeves.

I looked down at my phone, checking the time.
5:30 P.M., the screen read. Only 30 minutes until I was able to see Alex.

I smiled, excited to see Alex in the dress she always dreamed of wearing, and her eyes filled with joy as she experienced one of the most magical nights of her life.

Here's the catch though.

Alex had no idea any of this was going on. I wanted to keep it a surprise, because it's something she never expected to happen.

As far as she knows, she thinks her parents are taking her out to a nice restaurant for a late birthday celebration. They bought her everything she'd need to get dressed up, but Alex had no idea what was to come for her.

I sat on my bed, my phone in my bed as I aimlessly scrolled through social media, watching the time slowly pass by. The clock slowly ticked, and I grew more and more anxious as time went on. My legs grew antsy, bouncing up and down, my body becoming impatient. All I wanted was to be with Alex already.

My parents came into my hospital room, a smile growing on my mom's face as she looked at me. She held a corsage, and handed it to me before giving me a hug.

"Oh Ethan, you look so wonderful," she joyfully said.

"Thanks mom," I replied, returning the hug.

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