Chapter 10

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Emma POV

When we heard the explosion. I ran to it and somebody that looked familiar.

Maybe about my age but we hid. I tried to see her face but couldn't a twig snapped and she yelled "Who goes their".

I whisper to Mabel to be quiet. I came out and pulled out my hands.

I finally saw her face. I couldn't believe it it was Cassidy what I thought she was dead.

I said "Cassidy but how I thought you were dead".

She looked at me and held a gun at my forehead. She said "Who are you and how do you know my name".

I said "Umm it's me Emma". Maybe it's not the Cassidy I know maybe in the other universe she didn't get killed.

She had a device that I didn't know. It was beeping really loud. She said "I don't know a girl name Emma and my device beeping because your a demon".

"Kid get the hell out of their I can sense she is a monster hunter".

Shut up Bill I know. I looked at her and she was about to pull the trigger but Mabel came out and said "Wait please don't do this".

Cassidy looked at her and then back to me she pulled the trigger and I blacked out.

Mabel POV

I can't believe that it happened the girl was about to shoot her but she got stopped by Bill.

What the heck he looked at me and said "Hello shooting star but listen I came to help her but in any other universe I wouldn't help a demon so don't tell anybody".

I looked at her but I looked at the girl and she was standing there like she couldn't move.

Emma POV

I woke up in a unfamiliar room with a dim light. I kept hearing it's all your fault and your not worthy but a useless worm.

A tear fell down like I couldn't stand does words. I saw a door open and looked at it. I saw a depressed Mabel cutting herself.

I ran to it and was stopped by a glass. I pound it and it was useless. Why does everything that happens I want to get away from.


It felt like eternity but I saw myself in a mirror like it was broken. I saw a razor on my hand I was about to cut but I saw how it started the bullying and my best friend dead.

I keep blaming myself I should've been there but it was to late. Why can't I be happy for once.

I mean I know I have a loving father but the only thing he never understands is my sexuality.

I stopped myself and looked around it was dark and empty. The glass door I saw earlier was still their I punched it and saw Mabel still cutting herself.

Mabel POV

I held her body I can't believe Bill helped her. The girl was gone I don't know where but I hoped she isn't somewhere nice.

It was hard but I called the girls. I saw them and Wendy helped me.

40 minutes later Still her POV

It took forever but we got it. My uncle closed the shack and tried to tell uncle Ford to help her. And for me I was crying. Emma's heartbeat was fainting.

Me and Wendy put her on my bed. I was still sad I just wanted to see if she would wake up but couldn't.

I left the room and Wendy was with everybody downstairs. I was in the restroom I locked it and cried.

I came back to the room and she was gone. I screamed at everybody to get upstairs.

Reverse Mabel POV

It was the same old thing. Get up and get ready for the show but I was still sad. So I started to cut myself. But I would hide the scars and nobody would notice it

It was an afternoon on a weekend. I get up and went to the restroom. I locked the door and found my razor and started to cut myself. I heard a pound but I ignored it.

Everything hurt my vision was getting blurry and I blacked out.

One hour later-------- Emma POV

I didn't know it would happened. You see what happened when I shattered the window and I came out.

Even though my knuckles were bruised. I found the other Mabel she was unconscious. I took her to the hospital even though people we're looking at me.

I ran and I finally got their and said "Nurse please I need your help".

I think she saw my bruises and called the doctor. They finally saved her but he said "Due to the scars I'm trying my best but your name is".

I said "My name is Light". I know I gave him a fake name but I wanted to wait so she can be safe.

He was about to leave and I said "If she ever wakes up please tell me".

He nodded and left. I was in the waiting room maybe about 40 minutes the doctor told me she was awake.

I got up and said "Thank you and say it's a visitor". The doctor got me her room I went in and looked at her.

She said "Emma wait how. And are you real". I said "Mabs it is me and I missed you so much".

I gave her a hug I'm just glad she was safe but I didn't forget about the demon they have here.

70 minutes later Still her POV

I'm glad that the doctor let her out but I know I had to visit my father. But I will save Will even though he's a demon I don't care he might help me.

So the other Mabel was in her house with her Uncle and her brother. The one thing how I'm I going to save Will.

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