Part 18

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Emma POV

What the fuck did she mean. I called out but no answer. I had the chains but I tried my best to break it even though it didn't help.

Dakota/Kira POV

Ugh this mortal's are so annoying. I was hanging out with Mabel and Pacifica.

The one thing I did is kill Pacifica ex mostly because I was bored and I didn't care.

We were talking and laughing about stupid things but something felt off. Like someone is trying to escape.

I blacked out and went into Emma's mind and see her trying to break the chains.

I laughed and said "Oh Emma you can never escape from me". She said "YOU BITCH LET ME GO I'LL KILL YOU BITCH".

She spit on my face and I grabbed her face. I dug onto her skin and said "Now now be a good little dog".

She screamed again but I didn't say anything. Until I saw someone and it was Ender.

Ender said "This isn't right Kira we should let her go".

I walked up to Ender and slapped her. I said "Didn't you want this she had everything Ender".

Ender said "I wanted anything from her but not like this. Kira you should know that she has suffer enough".

I laughed at her and said "Oh really Ender she suffered wasn't it you that made her father kill himself because your like me Ender".

I laughed but Emma said "Please Ender help me out because I know your still good". I hit her in the stomach.

And left the mind.

Ender POV

I watched Kira leave but it was my fault that made Emma's dad die. I basically asked him to kill himself.

But somehow Emma still believe that I'm good. I looked at Emma and she was crying like a helpless animal.

I said "Emma do you think I'm still good". She nodded and I have to help her out.

I unlocked the chains and lifted her up. She said "Thank you Ender but I have to stop Kira".

She smiled but Kira was right I was jealous of her but I only feel sad for her.

Emma POV

Ender helped me out with wounds. She lead me to a part of my Kira's mind that she can't get to it.

I said "Do you know how to stop Kira". Ender said "Nope I don't but maybe if we walk around her mind maybe she a weak point".

I thought and found something. I said "Do you think Cassidy can help out". She said "What do you mean Emma she's dead".

I said "What if Kira has a memory of Cassidy somewhere well mostly because she's me Ender". She looked at me and nodded.

I don't care how long it takes we will stop Kira.

Kira POV

I woke up in a room that I'm not familiar with. I looked around and saw Mabel.

She said "I'm glad your wake you seemed to be in coma for one week". I said "Sorry it just the side effects from traveling mirror worlds".

She nodded and I can't believe she bought that but she had to leave. Ugh their has to be way to put Ender in her place I'm the leader after all.

-Three months later-

Emma POV

We finally found it and it took long but it doesn't matter because we finally have her.

We talked but she put in a room that I'll never find but we did find it. The memories were sad and happy but their has to be way to extract that memory.

Ender found way and I helped it so we were preparing for battle or the end of this battle.

I told Ender to get Kira somehow. I'm just waiting for Kira and Ender.

Kira POV

I don't know why but I'm feeling things for Mabel and Pacifica. Like somehow my heart is beating every time I'm with them.

The only people I care but is Pacifica and Mabel why I'm feeling this.

We we're hanging out at the mall include Dipper, Gideon, me, Mabel, and Pacifica. For some reason Dipper gives me the scary vibes.

I blacked out mostly because Ender is calling me.

-Mind World-

As Ender told me that Emma escaped I will find her if it's the last thing I do.

We ran to a lot of places and their was a room that I wouldn't see Emma in.

She looked at me and said "This is it Kira. I will take you down once and for all".

I laughed at her and said "Really and how will you do that. As you can see it's two against one".

Ender walked towards her and stayed by her. I yelled "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS".

Emma said "As you can see Ender is here to help me". It didn't matter and I said "Well let's get ready". I changed into my wolf form.

She looked at me and she changed into her wolf form. We we're growling at each other.

I looked at Ender and she stood their. I smirked and snarled at Emma.

We launched at each other and fought mostly. I looked at her and panting heavily.

Until I felt a sharp pain in the back. I looked and see Ender with a knife and I changed into my human form.

I got the knife from Ender and stabbed her in the chest. She fell down and was lifeless.

I grabbed the knife again and looked at Emma and laughed. I said "Really is it all the best you got".

She changed into her form and blew some powder in my face. I coughed and remembered something that was sad. She was in her wolf form.

But I shook it off and looked at her and we were ready. I held the knife close and ran straight to her and stabbed her but she slashed me.

I blacked out.

Emma POV

I saw her face fell down and it was finally over. But I felt something and it hurt. I looked to see Ender stabbed me.

She said "Sorry but I can't let you leave Emma you'll just die". I grabbed the knife and took it out of my rib and stabbed her.

But everything felt light and I blacked out.

Mabel POV

We took her to the hospital and her heart rate was going slow. What do I do I can't do anything to help her.

I felt a surge of light and I remembered everything about her. I hugged her and cried until I heard a flatline.

One year later

It's been a year and I still felt sad. Everyone in the town remembered her and I was depressed but we did a funeral for her and she'll never be forgotten.

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