Chapter 15

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Dakota POV

I woke up in the middle of the night with another nightmare. I can't deal with the pain anymore I have to go back home.

I get up and look at the clock it's 4am what the hell. Mabel and Dipper found me at the forest and brought back at the shack.

The other Raven apologized and I forgave her. You might be surprised but I kinda get where she comes from if somebody recognized me I could or maybe hurt them.

If they, he, and she are dangerous maybe just maybe. Also I stitch up the scar from my stomach and shoulder.

I know how to do that because I use to get into a lot of trouble with kids when I was 5.


"Hahaha your a worthless pig oink oink". "Why are you always picking on me". She hit me but I hit her back but the one that surprised me is she had a knife and cut me in the stomach.

End of flashback———-

I came from bullying and kids hurting me but my dad was always their. I never let them get to me but sometimes they did.

I didn't realize that I kept walking into the forest. I must of blanked out and kept walking.

Every crunching sounds I did when walking but I don't remember this part of the woods. I walked backwards and heard a growl.

The fuck I ran back into the street and saw nobody. I decided to head back to the shack and hopefully get some sleep.

I made it and slept on the couch again. I woke up from someone shaking me. It was Mabel I said "Mabel why are waking me up". She said "Because silly you need to get out more".

I looked at her and I had a memory of something but Mabel had different eyes like gold.

I shake it off and she looked normal. I said "That's great just let me get ready". I have no idea what that was about. I step out of the shower and changed.

I look at myself and had a person that looked like me but had different eye color. It was gold. What the fuck is happening to me and I was smiling creepily.

I told myself that this wasn't happening. Oh it's happening come on Emma touch the mirror. What the hell Ender. I touched it and nothing happened.

Am I going crazy or something. Someone touched my shoulder I grabbed their hand and was about to break it but I saw Dipper.

I let go of his hand but something was off about this Dipper he was the nerd one. He said "What the heck, Who are you and what are you doing in our bathroom".

God damn it I went back to the dimension where nobody remembers me. Did the mirror traveled me back to this dimension.

I said "Sorry I didn't do anything wrong it just the mirror traveled me to this mirror my name is Dakota". (Hint why she's no using her real name)

I saw Mabel but the sweater loving sweater. She looked scared and I ran out of their but I got hit by something and got knocked out.

Dipper Pines POV (Set in my version of season 3 and disclaimer I don't own Gravity falls)

I found this strange girl in our bathroom but something about her reminds me of someone oh well.

Uncle Ford knocked her out. He was saying that she could be dangerous. He put her in a cage with some weird wires.

Ford POV

I put the girl in a cage with a lie detector wires. I hooked her up to my machines.

Dakota POV

I woke up with my mind spinning and see some machines and somebody wait I know who that is it's Ford.

I said "Please let me go". I cried and bang on the bars. But he shocked me. He said "Not until you answer my questions got it".

I nodded and he also said "So what is your name". I said "Dakota". He shocked me again and said "I forgot to mention anytime you get something wrong you get shocked".

I had a pissed off face but nodded. He said "What is your name". I have to go with truth here. "My name is Emma Wolf".

He wrote this down and said "Do you want to hurt my family". I said "No". He wrote it again. "Do you belong to this dimension". "No".

Him non-stop questioning me. But I went with the truth the entire time. Their was one question he said "Then can you go back".

I said "I don't know how and even if did nobody will remember me not even my dad will remember me".

He had a sad look but kept questioning me until he was done writing the answers.

He walked over to the cage and took off the wires. But he didn't let me out if I answered his questions then he'll let go but no he turned his machines off and walked away.

Great I'll be stuck here by myself. Why does it have to be why can't it be somebody else for once.

One week later——————————

He kept me here in this cage I'm not complaining he fed me and took care of me. I've been getting depressed and thought of how if I was someone else that had a family.

It's been awhile from Ender she hasn't talked to me only in my dreams and also the nightmares been getting worse with death of Cassidy.

I know it was forever ago but still I always think it was my fault if I saved her in time then she wouldn't be dead.

Then I wouldn't have this guilt and sadness that I'm carrying. I was sitting down at the cage and someone opened the door it was Mabel.

She said "I don't know why Uncle Ford keeps you here. Don't worry I'll let you out".

I said "No Mabel it's a good thing that you'll want me to be free but what's the point.

Maybe if I didn't take the deal then I would've been dead and also if I got back to actually home nobody will remember me".

I cried and cried and said "Please leave me be maybe I'll rot away from this pain".

She left but I wasn't wrong Pacifica was happy without me. Ford opened the door and was holding a gun.

I said "Please Ford I can't take it anymore just shoot me Please I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS PLASE KILL ME".

He put bullets in the gun and put the gun in my forehead. He was about to shoot but someone knocked he down but he still shoot it. I blacked out.

I know it was dark but gotta love the cliffhanger

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