Chapter 13

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Emma/Dakota POV

I woke from a nightmare. I really miss the other Mabel, Pacifica, and the others.

I look around and saw that I was in the living room in the mystery shack.

Finally I found you it must've taken forever. Is that you Bill.

No I'm Will who is Bill. Nobody that you'll like. So how are you going to tell me to get back on my dimension.

For now I can't but I'll try. I do owe you so yea. Thank you Will.
Wait How do you know who I am. It's along story. He left I went to the town.

I went to the forest. Peaceful is one thing that helps my mind.

I heard rustle. I looked around and saw nothing. I heard it again and saw something.

I said "Come out I won't hurt you". The person came out no way it can't be. It's Raven what the hell.

I said "Raven I can't believe that's you". I look at her she looked different.

I came close to her but she pulled out a knife. Oh shit not today. She attacked me but I dodged it. She said "Who are you and how do you know my name".

I said "My name is Dakota and I know that your kind and fun to be around".

She said "Wrong answer to those questions". She made a slash on my chest but I tried my best not to hurt her.

She also said "That's not your name because I would've remembered. Also I'm not that girl anymore".

Wait so in the dimension she's not kind what happened to her in this dimension. I looked at her and ran straight at me.

She luged the knife in my shoulder only because I dodged it. She looked at me and ran somewhere in the forest.

I looked at the knife and of course it hurt but I should've have passed out. I went to the mystery shack.

30 minuets later

I finally made it. It was the afternoon. I opened the door and it was locked so I knocked. I said "Guys it's me I'm hurt".

Someone opened the door it was Mabel. She looked sad and mad. I said "Hey Mabs what's wrong". She slapped me and said "You've been gone we were worried about you".

She looked at me and the knife I was holding. She looked surprised we went inside.

I sat down on the kitchen table. Stan and Dipper were looking at me.

Stan said "Kid what happened to you". I said "It was the morning and I headed to the forest. I heard rustle so I told somebody that I wouldn't hurt them.

After that I knew the person from a different dimension but that person was different so she attacked me".

Dipper took the knife out. It hurt like hell. Dipper said "How come your not dead".

I said "To tell you the truth I don't know". Mabel treated my shoulder scar.

The one on my chest hurts but I didn't say anything I can treat this in the morning.

The morning Mabel POV

I can't believe that person hurt Dakota. I told Dakota to sleep on my bed but she denied.

So she slept on the floor. When I woke up she wasn't their. I got up and headed downstairs and saw her making pancakes.

Oh thank goodness I thought she went somewhere else. I said "Thank you for the pancakes. But can you wake up Uncle Stan".

She said "Oh no problem and sure". She lent some pancakes on my plate.

Dakota/Emma POV

I went to Stan's room. I heard sobbing. I didn't want to intrude so I left.

I went back to the kitchen. I saw Dipper eating pancakes just like Mabel. Dipper said "Did you wake up Uncle". I said "He couldn't get up".

I sat down with me and eat the pancakes. I heard footsteps. I saw Stan really sleepy. I saw coffee and pancakes for him.

3 hours later Dipper POV

Work is so boring. I rather read my book. But no I have to work with those annoying people.

Sometimes Dakota gets on my nerves but my sister likes her for some reason.

Mabel was talking to Pacifica. I get that their dating but do they really have to rub it in.

I went inside and saw Dakota by herself. She was looking at postcards.

I said "You must be bored to". She turned around said "Yea it is but I don't mind it".

She kept looking at Washington DC post card. I wonder if she has family. I said "Do you have family I noticed we don't really talk".

She said "I have my dad so yea we don't really talk. Sorry if I'm I always annoying to be around I just like being myself around people I like as a friend".

So this is why she's annoying. She also said "Why do you like being by yourself". I said "That's just me I actually like reading by myself nobody to distract me".

She also said "Oh you probably went inside to read. I should probably go".

Did I just offended her did I really ruined her friendship with me sort of.

She left to go outside.

Dakota/Emma POV

I went outside and walked around the forest. Dipper didn't really offended me I kinda get where he's coming from.


"Cousin you should really stop reading that book". "I don't care just leave me alone".

End of flashback—

I looked around the trees I never really social with my "family members". My mom side never really liked my dad.

They never really cared about me but I didn't cared so yea. I headed to the forest again.

I sat down on the grass and slept.

1 hour later

I woke up and noticed it was dark. I never really treated my wound but it didn't hurt.

I went back to the shack. I finally got there and knocked on the door.

Someone opened the door and it was Pacifica. She hugged me and looked pissed.

She said "Where the heck were you. We were worried sick". I said "I was at the forest and I know you were worried but I'm fine".

I was starting to get mad but I calmed down. I saw Mabel like she was crying.

I said "Mabs you didn't have to cry for me and get worried as well".

She said "Sometimes I don't get you Dakota you were hurt yesterday".

I said "I know but when I got to the forest it lets me think".

I don't think she gets it. I miss my dad and other friends. She started to calm down.

Pacifica left. Mabel went to her room. I just want to go home. But if I do no ones going to remember me.

So what's the point. I sat down in the couch and slept.

Love you guys ✌️😁😍

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