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Emma POV one month passed

It's been a month what the heck am I going to do. "Come on Wolfie you know what to do".

Of course Bill was still with me but sometimes he's annoying. I saw Pacifica looking happy without me.

Of course I would see them but somehow I don't talk to them. Maybe because of Bill or something else.

I stayed with Mabel even though her Uncle and brother don't appreciate it. But I didn't care so for now I was staying in the guest room.

I was trying to see if Will is here. I saw Dipper going somewhere so I followed him. He went to the kitchen and then somewhere else.

I still followed him. He went downstairs. I followed him but quickly trying not to get caught.

"So Will are you going to tell me if you can hurt her".

Who is her what is he talking about. "No you can't defeat her". But I could see he was hiding something.

Dipper looked pissed and slapped him. "You know kid their is something you can do". Shut up Bill.

I saw Dipper still talking to him. I looked at Will covered in bruises and scars.

"Kid you know what I could do just let me in." I nodded and then a flash of light but I blacked out.

Reverse Dipper POV

I can't believe he's not telling me everything. I know he's lying so I slapped him. But someone grabbed my arm.

I looked at the person it was Emma what the hell is she doing. I said "Emma wh". She slapped me oh hell no.

But I got my dagger out and slashed her. But she was laughing what the fuck is wrong with her.

"Oh my gosh I forgot that humans can get feisty". I looked at her but her eyes were different color like yellow.

But then I said "Who are you". But she said "Listen Pine tree if you let Will go I won't consider to hurt you. But the name is not important".

I laughed at it does she really think that I'll let the power by force. I said "Not a chance that I'll let him go".

"Oh you humans can be funny but you used him like he was nothing do you really think he'll survive with you around".

I glanced at Will he just looked confused and scared. I launched at her and I had her and start to choke her.

But then she hit me and I got knocked out.

Bill/Emma POV

I looked at Pine trees body on the floor unconscious. So I got up and saw Will scared.

I said "it's okay I'm not here to hurt you but to save you".

I untied him and I helped him. But atlas's I have to give her body back. So I knocked myself out.

Emma POV

I woke up with a pain on my face and saw Will. Dang it Bill. So we walked away from the basement.

I think we all had to do is get out of here.

One week later Emma POV

It's been over a week since the accident. I told Pacifica and Gideon about Dipper.

Except about Bill even though Will keeps telling me about I have to tell them. But he let go. So I was hanging with Pacifica.

We talked about crushes even though I still have feelings for her. "Mark her now".

I ignored it. She dragged me to the mall. She said "So I want you to meet somebody". I said "That's cool Paz".

I saw a guy he looked cute. Paz said "This is my Bf his name is Zane". Damn I thought I had still time but I guess I was wrong.

I said "Well nice to meet you". But they looked happy but I remember that Raven had a Bf but something about him felt wrong.

They had fun and just talking but then I saw the different Raven. Shit I should talk to her.

I sneaky left their table and saw her alone I guess in this universe she really is alone.

So I walked up to her and said my hellos but then she punched in the stomach.

She said "Sorry you scared me anyways I'm really am sorry".

So I should probably not scare her in the future. But I said "It's okay Rae it happens to people".

I gave her a chuckle and then I saw Grenada and Candy. I grabbed Rae and went somewhere so they don't find us.

We went into a store but I can hear Rae's heartbeat and it was going fast. She was blushing shit I forgot I let go of her hand.

What the fuck is wrong with me. I also said "Whew that was close". She gave me a puzzle look. But before I was going to say something Bill called me.

"Listen Kid we should go because I can sense danger".

I told Rae that I had to go. So I left the store and I felt like somebody was watching me.

"Hey get out of the mall". Duh Bill.

I left the mall and still feel like someone was following me. I just can sense somebody I guess.

But then I heard somebody laughing and said "So when are you going to give him back".

I looked backed and saw Dipper. I chuckled and said "Hell the no I'm not going to give him back".

But he attacked me and I dogged it. He pulled out a dagger and tried to attack me but he missed me.

We were fighting had bruises and he had some too. He gave a scar on the chest.

We were panting and trying to catch our breath. "Kid are you going to let me in".

I didn't realize that Dipper had a knife and stabbed me in the ribs.

So is this how I die in an alleyway. I dropped on the floor coughing up blood because he hurt me on my side.

He said "You know I can heal you if you give Will back".

I felt like I couldn't say anything but then I said "Screw you asshole".

And then everything went black.


Emma POV

I woke up in grassland and saw nothing was I really lonely. "No you are not lonely Ender you just died". Wait what I looked around and saw a lady with a bandage around her eyes.

She said "My name is Zeta don't worry Ender you'll come back but the problem is people won't remember you".

I said "But what about Bill and Will". She said "No they won't either as well so will you take the deal".

She extended her arm and I said "So it's basically like REST". She nodded and I shake it.


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