The Perfect Dress

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Elsa's POV

We were at the mall now and all eyes were on us."Guys everyone is looking at us."Punze said.

"Yeah it's because we look so good!"Anna said as we all put on our sun glasses.

We stepped into a shop called "Triton's Fashion,this shop is great!"Punze squealed.Mer and I are not so kin to dresses but Anna and Punze are other why's.Anna and Punze pulled Mer and I in the shop and began to search.The store is pretty cool it was organized by color.Punze went straight to the yellow,Anna went to the light green,Mer went to the dark green and I went to the light blue.

After hours of looking and fitting dresses we all found the perfect dress.

My dress was a silk dress with silver lace over the skirt,long sleeve and a giant snowflake on my tummy.It also had a thigh high slit on my right leg and it was sparkly but I mite add a few snowflake's here and there.It had a low square neck line and had an open back.

Mer's dress was a calf high velvet dress,with a thick strap,it was a bit poffy but not to much.It had a giant red autumn lief on her tummy.Is was sparkly on the bottom not on the top.I t had a square neck line and had an open back shaped as a lief.

Punze's dress was a ankle high dress.It had 1/2 length sleeves and had a sweet heart neck line.I was ver sparkly and poffy.There was a giant sun on her tummy and had an open back shaped like a circle.

Anna's dress was knee high and was poffy.It a cup sleeve was sparkly all over.She had lace over the bottom like mine but her lace was gold.Her dress was very poffy.It had a sweet heart neck line and had fire on her tummy and had an open back shaped like fire

We payed for the dresses and went back home Anna slept at my house because she dropped me off last.

At Elsa house

Still Elsa's POV

When Anna and I were at my house I toke out my dress and stared at it."I know you want to put some snowflake's on it."Anna said.Wait can she read minds?

"And yes I can read minds if you were thinking that."She said giving me a smirk.My jaw dropping."What,why didn't you tell us?!"I said."Im kidding.I can just sense that you want to."She begged."Oh,but that is still cool."

I put my dress on a hanger and hung it on my wardrobe.Anna gave me an interested smile.I took off the gloves I was wearing and move my hands in a circular motion and snowflake came out of my hands.Anna's jaw was   on the floor.In 5 minutes my dress was covered in not to much snowflake's but just enough.The slit now had snowflake's on the seemed part.

"That was so cool!"Anna shouted."I know right,I did the same thing to my shirt.I was dusting myself and forgot that I had powers so I moved my hand down and my shirt had snowflake's on it!"I said showing her the shirt and she was in awe.

Elsa can modify cloths!
Prom is in 1 week 5 days!
The theme of Prom is the 4 season!
Who will be Prom king and queen?
Find out in the next chap.

Bye snowflake's❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄

PS:I drew and designed all the dresses in this chap.They are my own design's,plz don't steal them,thnx.

PPS:The pic of the dresses are in the media.

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