The begining

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   Once upon a time, there lived two sisters... two goddesses. Together they created the world you now see as a mere dream, a utopia. Everything was perfect. Everyone was nice, no evil existed.
   Over time, however, the older sister, Hilda, noticed that everyone seemed to favor her little sister, Grace, over her. Jealousy corrupted her soul leaving it a shadow of its former self.
   One day, the day they celebrate the creation of the universe and all others Hilda chose to strike! She created the first weapon... a sword. She stabbed her with the blade know as the 'Golden killer' because Grace actually had golden hair. Grace wouldn't die easily though. She created the second weapon, the bow and arrow. They fought for three days straight.
   On the night of the third day they called a truce however the damage had already been done. They had destroyed their creations.
   With the last of their strength, they created a new world, Hilda gave them envy, hate, anger, and sadness. Grace gave them kindness, peace, and hope.
   Grace flew to the heavens leaving behind half of her pure white soul. Hilda sank to the hell dimensions leaving behind half of  her tainted black soul. The two halves fused creating a grey soul... my soul... my name is Chris. I am the tainted one, I am the pure one... I am the fallen one.
I  a m  t h e  f o r g o t t e n o n e . . .

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