Chapter 25~

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I felt my body twist and turned as my head filled with a dreadful gut feeling. Like something's missing. I opened my eyes. I was in a large bedroom laying on a twin sized bed.
"Where am I? Uhh... who am I?" I said aloud. That door opened with a 'crrrreeeeaaaaak!'
The person that entered was tall. He had long and messy hair, pale skin bruised, and wore a loose tank top and sweatpants.
"Oh! Your up little brother." Brother? Brother is family... I... I can trust him!
"I..." I curled into a ball in the bed and pulled at my hair.
"I can't remember... anything..." He smiled at me and came over and started soothing me.
"I was afraid of this. You snuck out of the palace and a group of hooligans in the forest tied you up and hurt you." I looked at his eyes. They looked as if they were laced with a thin blanket of lies and deception.
"... I fought them off and saved you in a nick of time! If I would have been a few seconds later you might have died."
I... have a bad feeling...
   "Oh my look at you! All skin and bones! They must have starved you over there. Come on I'll make you some breakfast!" He got up and reached his hand out for me to grab.
   My hand timidly reached out for his. I used him for support as I stood up. My legs were weak and shaking wildly. I tried to take a step forward and lost my balance. I landed face first on the floor which hurt... a lot.
   "Ow..." I rubbed my nose, which had started bleeding from the impact, as tears started to roll down my face.
   "Aww it's okay~" He than proceeded to pick me up, bridal style, and carry me out of the room. I held my nose shut to keep it from bleeding everywhere.
   He set me down on another bed. Is this his bed? It smells like him. A faint pine scent and a small bit of timber. That smell though... so familiar.
"Okay..." He muttered as he started check my nose. He gave out a sigh of relief.
"Good, your nose isn't broken. Just a nosebleed..." He reached out and opened his drawer. As he looked around for whatever it is he's looking for I notice something.
I gasped as pointed at it, my eyes wide with curiosity. It was a beautiful necklace with a glass heart on it. The glass heart had some cool red liquid in it.
"I want!" I accidentally said aloud. Derek looked at me and then at the necklace.
"Sorry bro it doesn't belong to you." He said as he took it out. He got up and placed on a shelf that he even had to be on his tippy toes to reach.
I watched as he came back and pulled out a roll of toilet tissue. He tore off two pieces.
"Okay now move your hands." I let go of my nose and he carefully shoved them in. I flinched at the weird feeling but it went away.
"I'm gonna get breakfast started. I'll be up in a bit okay?" I nodded and he gave me a small kiss on the cheek before leaving.
"Love you bro!" I was going to respond with a 'Love you too' but the words didn't want to leave my mouth.
My gaze went from the closed door too the dresser. I wanted to see what was in there. Maybe there's something I can play with in there? I leaned over to pull it open when I heard a voice.
"Don't trust him." I jumped slightly at the new voice. It what's female and sounded concerned.
"Where are you?" I looked around but no one was there.
"Up here!" I instantly looked up to see the necklace glowing a vibrant gold.
"Please trust me! He's trying to-" The glow instantly went away as Derek slammed the door open.
"Okay breakfast is being made. Come on!" I moved a bit away from him. Who do I believe?
"The necklace said not to trust you..." I was expect him to laugh at such a silly statement but instead he just brushed it off.
"Maybe you were just imagining it out of boredom." He helped me up but this time he caught me before I fell.
"Looks like I have to carry you~" His voice honestly creeped me out sometimes but he seems trustworthy.
I looked down at Chris as he happily laid in my arms. So clueless... so helpless...
Everything is going according to plan. Soon he'll never want to leave... soon he'll be my brother. Not his... mine!

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