Chapter 21~

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   I was starting to get discouraged. Why haven't they come for me?Did they forget me? It's so cold down here and I already had to give up my shirt because Zerok started crying.
   I jumped in surprise when Zerok started crying. He didn't he wasn't cold,  jeez he was the only thing keeping me from turning into an icicle. That's when it clicked. He was hungry. When did he last eat? It had to have been long before I met him.
    I glanced around, nervously trying to figure out how to feed him.
   "Don't cry... I'll find you something to eat." I said, starting to cry myself. Zerok looked at me with big tearful eyes.
   I looked through my pockets and small bags, hand shaking and my breath blocking my view. I took out a small pouch and looked inside. A good 13 blues berries and... a banana? How did that get there?! Oh well I'll eat the banana and... babies can't eat solids... Wait I got an idea!
   I put the berries in my mouth and chewed them until they were a bunch of mush. Cringing, I spit out the mushed berries, and used my pinkie to scoop small bit of the mush and feed Zerok. Except for the occasional bite or two everything went well.
   "All d-done!" I said cheerfully, yet with a shiver in my voice.
   Zerok yawned and not soon after, he fell asleep in my arms. I set him down next me and looked around holding myself close trying to keep what little bit I had to myself. My eyes soon landed on the corpses on the ground.
   I took note on the way they were killed. Their hearts neatly removed, leaving a large, blood gushing gape in the chest. Their clothes were a faded and stained pink and yellow. Once bright and happy colors. That's when I saw a note hidden within the dress pocket a young female corpse wore. Cautiously inching towards the note and quickly retreating once I grabbed it.
    Mom and dad keep talking about Hilda and Grace. We all hope that everyone else is okay and safe. Why are they fighting? What happened?
         Dad just told us that he's sorry we couldn't see our future. Why is he as-
   The note abruptly stopped. I looked at the corpse. The pencil was in the other side of the room.
   What happened? How long were they down here if they knew about Grace and Hilda. It must have been eons.
   Not wanting to look at the dead, decaying bodies any longer I turnt to look at my reflection, which in all honesty, didn't look any better. Darker bags beneath my eyes and pale skin clashed with a faintly red blush.
   My bones were practically poking out of my skin. When did I get so skinny. Did I eat this little? Watching white smoke pour from my mouth as I sighed. I looked like death it's self. My eyes we drooping. They looked like they were going to close... any second now... yeah any... second now. . .

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