Chapter 16~

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   I was awake again. I decided to stay where I was so they don't worry about me. I already remembered a bit... the rest refuses to return to me yet. I sighed as I moved the hair off of my forehead and back into the forest of my other hairs. I noticed something different though.
   It felt like a lump only a small line through the middle of the oval lump. I tried to see if the lump opened at the line but when it opened I was blinded by a white light. I thought I heard someone screaming but than I realized, it was me.
   I tried to close my eyes but nothing. I felt surges of energy beam through me. But suddenly the light went away and I saw the night sky above me. I sat up and looked around. No one woke up, thankfully, but my vision was off... I saw my own hair in my eye. But my hair only reaches my forehead. I lifted my hair and my vision was clear. No way... I snuck to a small lake and glanced at my reflection. There, on my forehead was a third eye.
   "N-no way!" I said a bit to loud as I heard a growl from the near by bushes. I turned to see a big, black wolf. This seems familiar. I scooted back until I had been roughly pinned to the tree by the alpha like wolf. It's ice blue eyes seemed off for its black coat. It bared its dagger teeth as it growled louder. Those... eyes look like Lurec's...
   "Lurec..?" It looked at me like a confused yet shocked child. It seemed to change shape until it looked like an older, some how more attractive, Lurec. His once snow hair was now a moonless night sky and his clothes were ripped and blood stained.
   "Well won't you be fun to play with~?" I tried to drift away but he firmly grabbed my arms and pushed me to the ground.
   "W-what are you going to do..?" He smiled widely, exposing sharp triangular teeth.
   "Don't worry... I'll love this~" This scared me a lot. I started to struggle against his grip hopelessly as he bit down on my neck. I could feel warm blood trickle down my neck and onto the ground.
   "L-let go of me!" I tried to shout loudly, knowing I wasn't that far from the others. Someone help!
   I watched as blood dropped out of his mouth as he started to force mine open.
   "He-ack!" He used my scream as opportunity to spit my own blood into my mouth. I cringed at the taste but he forced me to swallow the oddly bitter and slightly metallic liquid.
   Right when I thought I was one hundred percent screwed a white wolf pounced on the meaner Lurec. When the white wolf growled deeper than I ever heard the other Lurec got up and started to walk away.
   "My job here is done for now. I look forward to having fun with you in the future, three eyes~" With that he faded away into the night. Lurec looked at me to make sure I was okay before he noticed my new eye.
   "I'll take you back. The others heard you and are concerned. Let's go." I nodded and followed him back.
"That liquid Chris drank wasn't blood... what are you playing at?"    "Nothing yet dear sister. It my... back up so to say."
"Don't call me 'sister'! I will never admit that I'm related to scum like you!"
"W-why do you always have to top me...?"
"Even when we are supposed to hate each other you always get the last word. Don't you?"
"... supposed to hate each other?"
"L-leave me alone!"
"Why do you hate me?!"
"Why doesn't anyone love me?"
"No comment? Heh... nice to know not even you know why I'm so hated... why no one loves me, not even my own sister... the one person I truly trusted."

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