Chapter 24~

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   I shot upwards in a cold sweat. I had been having a nightmare in which I was being help under the water and couldn't breath. I instantly notice something off after waking up. Zerok was gone.
   "Zerok!" I yelled loudly, practically shredding my vocal cords.
   I ran in a random direction. Branches in the corner of my eyes turning to claws scratching and gripping onto me as if to hold me captive. A small scratch on my cheek and a few rips in my shirt didn't bother me so I merely pushed the branches aside.
   "Zero- ack!" My voice hitched as I tripped on a root and began to tumble past a few trees.
   Once I reached a stop I sat up and tried to focus.
  I groaned and stood up. The earth beneath me a mere sheet of paper as the ground beneath my caved until...
   The sound of twigs snapping erupted from my feet. Suddenly the ground gave way and I fell into a hole, which soon became a tunnel.
   I screamed as I slid down the dirt tunnel. When the tunnel stoped I was flung slightly into the air and landed hard on my back.
   "Damn..." I muttered as my spine began to radiate with pain.
   I heard the sound of hatch slam and instantly turned back to the slide only to see it was gone.
    "H-hello?" Like anyone is going to res-
    "Why, hello~" The voice gave me goosebumps. I attempted to sit up to face my captor but when I tried to move more pain sparked.
    "I've been oh so lonely. It's so nice for you too drop in." And that was a pun...
   I could tell from the voice that my captor was male. But I can't quite distinguish the age group.
   I heard the sound of footsteps approach me and shut my eyes out of reflex. I felt something soft, almost blanket like, cover my eyes. I was so distracted by my rushing thoughts I didn't even notice the sound of chains clashing, nor did I feel the cold metal clasp around my wrists and ankles. I felt warm, soft, yet strong hands grab me and sit me up against a rough cold wall.
   "There we go." When I realized that I could move my hands nor feet more than an inch, let aline remove my blindfold, I felt an unusual sense of panic, fear, anxiety, and dread wash over me.
   "W-who are you?" I felt tears start to soak the blinds and drip slightly down my cheek.
   "Shhh don't cry~ You can call me...
D e r e k..." My breath hitched as I basically began to try to melt into the wall pulling at my chains.
   "Stay away from me!" I shriek to Derek. Leave me alone... you're  not Derek. You're not my Derek.
   I felt a hard slap hit my face as I froze in shock. Did... he just slap me?
   "Calm. Down. If you stay calm you might not get hurt... that badly." I pulled harshly against my chains until I felt as if the skin was torn.
   I felt a warm goo drip from my wrists. Great. Just great! Zerok is lost, possibly even hurt, and the others don't know where I even am! Hell I don't even know where I am.
   "Know... hold still. It'll be easier on both of us... brother~" I felt a needle like object push into my neck before a cold, yet thick, substance was injected into me. Once the needle was out of my neck I felt like I could breath freely and gave a small gasp.
   "What... was that..?" I heard Derek chuckle slightly.
   "Something to help you forget about your... 'problems'..." something about the way he said 'forget' made me shiver in fear.
   "You said I won't get hurt much... what- why are you doing this..?" Being unable to move has made me feel as if I'm a mouse in a trap, and Derek is the cat. Just siting there and playing with his meal.
   I gasped as I felt his tongue lick the blood from my right wrist. It stung as he left his saliva on my wound. He did the same to my other wrist.
   "Hmm your blood tastes good~" my eyes, behind the cloth of course, shot open as I silently screamed as I felt this sharp teeth bite into my upper arm. I winced as I felt him suck the blood out and than proceed to lick my wound clean.
   My heart skipped a beat as I heard a small noise that resemble a sword being unsheathed, though it sounded more like a small blade, perhaps a dagger. My heart beat started to rise as he lifted my shirt and held the edge of the blade too the side of my chest that didn't contain my heart. Looks like he ain't gonna kill me... yet anyways.
   What do you do when you get a new toy?~" He asked in an 'innocent' tune.
   "Mark it as yours..?" Well at least that's what I do... but what does this have to do with any-
   I cried out in utter agony as I felt the edge dig into my skin and start moving, as if he was carving something into a tree. I sobbed softly as I felt the dagger pull away from my torn flesh.
   I felt blood drip down my chest, even on my pants. I grinned my tests and balled my fists as I desperately tried to distract myself from the pain.
   "You did good." I heard him chuckle as he licked some of the excess blood off of me.
   I felt my breath and heartbeat slow as a sudden sleepiness, probably from the injection and the blood loss, wash over my. My eyelids grew heavy. Though I felt a weight gently lift from my eyes as the blindfold was removed.
   My vision was blurred and the sudden brightness caused my to twitch. I was able to make out his look though. Slightly more pale and bruised than my Derek but looked generally the same. Different clothes, and longer, more messier hair.
   "Sleep tight, little brother~" I lost consciousness with those words in my head. Brother...

The Fallen God {On Hold}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz