Chapter 4~

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   I didn't have nightmares which I found nice. However I was conscious I just kept my eyes closed. I could make out three voices. Galen, Derek, and a male in their 40's. I listened intently.
"So i he gonna be okay?" Derek sounded concerned, but that is to be expected.
"Well... his soul is showing signs of internal conflict. He is battling a side of himself, or he is denying it." The male spoke.
"Doctor Kyok, the color meaning..." Galen must have been talking to the male. Doctor Kyok... why is the color of my soul bad?
"...and that could mean he is suffering from depression" Damn it! I missed the beginning of the sentence.
"The sparks indicate a fusion... in other words his soul is a combination of two souls... we will research on the colors that lead to grey and if anyone has had those color souls in history" Heh... they won't find Hilda and Grace in the history books.
"What color did you say you soul is Derek" Why does Galen need to know that?
"Blue... royal blue" Royal blue..? I want to see it! Blue is my favorite color... but seeing a soul is something only close people can do. But siblings can to! Wow... the fate of the world is in a child like me... I have to take my role more seriously!
"Well it looks like he's asleep do you want to wait until he wakes up to take him home or-"
"I'll take him home I can carry him like a baby."
I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. I soon felt his warm, soft yet strong hands and arms grab me and carry me. Still hugging his coat, I adjusted myself into a comfortable position in my brothers arms.
I sniff the jacket softly. My brothers scent was on of pine cones and freshly cut wood. The scent brought my mind into a deep thick forest. Birds softly chirping. I heard a soft rumble come from my brother. That's when I realized that I was hugging him instead of the jacket. Is he purring? How cute.
I wish that this moment would last forever.

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