Chapter 12: An Interview

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While I was telling what mom said earlier. Few people ask me some autographs and greeting me. Anna keeps on talking about how lucky I am that I famous. She also knows about the thing in youtube just yesterday night.

We reach school and saw The Big 4. I said by to Anna and Rap called me. "Hey Elsa!" she said waving her hand "Hey Rap!" I said and look at Merida and Hiccup. I give them a grin. Merida glare at me and Hic just give me a confusing look. "Merida Dunbronch, Hiccup Haddock, Rap Corona, Jack Frost and Elsa Arandelle. Pls see me in the principals office." A Russian voice said through the speaker. It took me awhile to realize it was North Frost's voice.

"Your uncle is calling us. We should go" Hic said to Jack and to us. "Uncle?" I ask Jack "Oh forgot my uncle is the principal here" "Oh"

We arrive at the office and went inside. He look at us with a straight face. No expression at all. "Take your seat" We sat down in front of his desk. "You will be interviewed this afternoon after lunch. 2:00 sharp" Our eyes we're wide in surprise.

"Interviewed?" Hic ask "By who?" followed by Rap "By Mr. Barney Stinson" he said in half serious and half surprise "B-B-Barney S-Stinson!?" Rap said more surprise filled her eyes as she stood up"Yes" "Oh My God!" she said as she stumble back and sat down. Then Mr. Bunnymund our school's VP appeared. "Its time for them to go." "Wait this early!" I said

"You have to. Its a 2 hour drive from here. You will stay in a hotel somewhere near where you will be interviewed." North explained. "What about the clothes we will wear?" Rap ask "You will buy. Now go you have no time."then some guys in a suit and tie push us to door "Wait what about Anna?" I ask before they can even push me "Don't worry I'll tell her".

As we walk down the hallway with some body guards at our sides students look at us with shock, most with envy. Outside the school was a black limo. Wow! First time riding this kind of car. We went in and the body guards went to their own cars.

"Oh My Gosh!" Mer said "Do we really have to this?" "We have no choice" I said. "Look at the bright side at least we wont be exhausted in school anymore" Jack said. Thou he's right. I have headaches every time classes ended. "What about our parents?" Hic ask. "Im sure Uncle North told them" Jack said trying to comfort Hic.

After 2 hours trying to tell each other. . . Well except for Rap, that everything will be fine. We arrive in a fancy and when I mean fancy I mean SUPER FANCY HOTEL. "WOW!" all of us said as we look at it with amazement. Our room was the biggest room you can ever imagine.

"How much does this even cost?" Mer ask as she look around the room. None of us answer cause we we were so busy looking around in awe. When we reach to our bedroom and found 5 beds. A TV in front and the beds form in a circle (half actually). Merida started to jump happily on the bed.

I sat on my bed. It was comfy, soft and comfortable. I look at my watch. Its 10. "Come on lets go shopping for awhile, then we will eat in the restaurant." Rap said as she stood up. "How long are we going to stay here?" Jack ask. "5 days" I answered. "Come. Lets go" she said running to the door and we followed.

We arrive at SM which is a different ver. than the one back home. "Wow! This is amazing!" Rap squealed "Um You could go now" Mer said to the guards "No its our job to protect you" one of them said "Thats ok. We have Mer here. She is the best fighter in school" Hic said going beside Merida and put his hands in her shoulder that make Merida's cheek go red. "Very well. Take care". They left. Hic and Merida look at us and we gave them a teasing grin. "What!?" both of them said at the same time. "Nothing" We said. "Lets go shopping"

We we're in front of Forever 21. "Are you sure Rap? This is expensive" I ask her. "Don't worry. Watch and learn" Rap went to a purple dress when the cashier went to her. "Your Rapunzel Corona, right?" she ask in surprise "Why yes I am and pls call me Rap" "Its a pleasure for you to be here." "Oh and this are my mates" Rap said gesturing us to go to her side. "Oh my Its such a lovely day for you to be here. Pls take what you want for free" "Are you sure?" I ask in worry. "Of course your famous here in California" she went back to her position.

We look at Rap with surprise "You heard her." she said. She got the dress and all of us do the same.

It was 12 in the afternoon. We went to KFC for our lunch. "We should be back in the hotel after this" Hic said. "Awww" Rap said. "We have to get ready for any questions that he will ask" Jack said "Fine." Our orders arrive and we started to eat. We a laugh, funny jokes from Jack and talk all about ourselves. We pay the bill and went out. That's when I spot a boy with black hair grayish skin and yellow eyes. I realize who it was.

"Can we move a bit faster?" I ask them. They give me a confusing look but just nodded. A few seconds later we went outside and get inside the limo and the driver send us back to the hotel.

Why is he here?

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