Chapter 32: Dragons

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Anna's POV

We arrive at the ticketing office and got 5 tickets. "Perfect" I whisper to myself. I look at my friends and we give each other smiles. My eyes landed on Kristoff's. We stare at each other then Kristoff start to lean. OMG! But it was disturb by a laugh. Familiar. I look at my side and saw Hans and his gang.

"Hans" I said gritting my teeth. He destroy my moment! "Ah Anna. I see you meet another man" he said and walk towards Kristoff. Kristoff just give him an expressionless face while Hans give him an evil smirk.

"What do you want Hans?" I said pushing him away from Kristoff. "Just to see your beautiful face." he said an give me a wink. Really! This guy is getting on my nerves! I punch him so hard, I mean very hard. He fell down holding his nose. Its bleeding and looks broken. Nice.

"Anyway. . ." he said ignoring his nose as he stood up. "We just want enjoy the show" he said. "Your never going to see it." Jamie said. "Maybe. . ." Pitch said and got the ticket.

"Leave the kids alone"

We look to our side and found Bunny and Sandy.

"Of course" Adrian said, pretending to be kind. "Enjoy the show losers" Zella whispered and stick her tough out. I glare at them as they laugh and went out.

Elsa's POV

"Can we not go on a private jet plane?" Hiccup said. I don't know why though. "Why?" Lily said. "Toothless will get cranky and he will do something stupid, you know what I mean?" he said to us. "Yup I guess your right." Merida said. "But we cant separate. Who knows what will Pitch do to us." Rap said. "She did make a point." Barney said.

We were all thinking silently when Hiccup's face brighten up. Of course. The genius. "I have Toothless. . We can get another dragon in school." he said. "But who is there? No one" Jack said. "Tooth is" North said. "Come Lets go"

Author's POV

We arrive at the airport but my cousin stop me from getting in. "Why do we need to go there? I could just fly." he said. "No. You will waist a lot of energy. Even though you can transform into a dragon" I said. "Well. First of all your a wizard right? Cast a spell to make us invisible and secondly I fly faster than any other dragons." "But people will. . . Freak out outside!" I said. "Lets go look for a deserted place" he suggest.

We look over our surroundings and I found it. "There" I said pointing to the direction. We run over there and start to do our magic.

Jack's POV

We arrive at Tooth's office to find that she was talking to all students parents. "Yes. . .It is. . . Ok Thank you. . ." she ended and put down the telephone. "Tooth we need a dragon" Hiccup quickly said. "Right this way" she said and flew to a wall. She knock on it and a secret passage way appeared. "Hiccup come with me." Tooth said. Hiccup followed and we were on his back.

We reach into a room, actually a big, huge circular room filled with dragons. "Wow!" all of us said.

Hiccup's POV

More dragons! Toothless wont be alone after all. "Hiccup choose a dragon for your friends" Tooth said. I walk around the room looking at the dragons. Most give me a dangerous glare. Then something caught my eye. A Monstrous Nightmare. I read about it. Fire. . . Of course! This is perfect for Merida.

"Merida. I think I found your dragon." I said. She went beside me and stare at the dragon. "Uh, Hic. Are ya sure?" she said nervously. "Of course." I said. "Stay behind me. Tooth open the cage." Merida stood at the back of me and Tooth pull the lever.

The cage lift up and the dragon start to burn itself. I got a shield and block the fire. It run next to me but it only stop just in front of me. It breath heavily and stare at my soul. "Easy. I'm a friend. I come in peace" I said. I slowly reach out my hand. Just like what happen to me and Toothless. It touch my hand and give me a smile. I took Merida's hand and put it on my hands. I slowly let go, this time Merida is touching it. A smile grew on her face and start to chuckle.

I look at the others. Their face full of amazement but North and Tooth give me a thumbs up. Then I did the same thing to Rap and Lily since Barney, Robin and Teddy already got tickets. Rap has a Deadly Nadder and Lily has the Screaming Death.

Jack and Elsa are left so instead of giving them dragons I told them to make one. "Why?" Jack said. "I was worried one of you might freeze one of the dragons" I said. "Ok. We'll try" Elsa said. She went first. She extended her arms and throw it to the ground. Then a beautiful ice dragon appeared. Similar to a Deadly Nadder, its just that. . Instead of spikes its icicles.

Jack was next. He point his staff to the ground and just a second a dragon similar to my dragon appeared. It breath like a blizzards and shoot flaming snowballs. Ok maybe not flaming but. . you get what I mean.

"Awesome!" all of us said. "That is what I call a legen-wait for it-dairy" Barney said. "But is it gonna melt?" Robin ask. "Its not an ordinary ice" Elsa said. "Its stronger than the sun's heat so it wont" Jack said. "We leave tomorrow dawn and meet here." Lily said. "Okay" all of us said and went home.


"So how did it go and what took you so long!?" I was downstairs with Toothless. He can now talk but not really talk. . just link "Amazing and we just have some business." I said. "Oh you mean the one that said on the poster? 'The Big 5 vs One Direction' " "Yes and we are going to leave tomorrow dawn." I said. "At least." he said.

I look at my watch and stood up. "Come on bud. Its your flying time." I said. "Oh boy" Toothless said happily and we went out.


I know what your thinking 'How is that Hiccup can link with Toothless?'

Well I will do a side story but I'm not 100% sure about it so tell me your answer by commenting me.




And enjoy the next chapter. . . . . SOON! *peace sign*

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