Chapter 30: Solution

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Guys this will take a bit to long for you to know the solution. I just want it to be a surprise.

AND ENJOY THE STORY! *flying kiss*


Elsa's POV

"The school is force to shut down"


"Pls inform your parents that we will return your money before Friday" Bunny said. "No class today. You may go home now." Tooth said. They slowly went out of the gym but me, Jack, Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup hurridly went up to stage.

"Isn't their anything we can do to save the school?" Rap said Her voice loud enough to make the students stop walking and look at us. "We-" Sandy said but North's cell phone rang. His eyes was bis as a moon and his mouth form into a perfect 'O'

He slowly put down his phone. His face still the same. Bunny kick him in the ass and North went back to reality. "We have to pay $1,000,000 to save the school!"

"WHAT!?" all of us said. "How can we afford that!?!?" Jack said. "Forget it Jack. We cant." Tooth said. Our faces were down again We went out of school and went to our houses.

Lily's POV

This is terable. I wish we can do something but we cant afford it. Yes we are rich but the money is for our families and ourselves. We were in my house discussing what we will do.

"We can ask some of our friends to help"

"We need a miracle"

"We can steal"

We look at Barney who has the dumbest idea. "What? That was perfect!" "Sending you to jail. NO!" Robin said. My cell phone rang.

"Unknown" I whispered to myself and just answer it anyway. "Hello.

"Lily Eriksen?" a deep voice said.

"Yeah" . . . . .

After some short time. Ijump up and scream out of joy. "What happen to you?" Teddy said giving me a wierd look. "Maybe the unicorn give a happy virus potion" Barney said. "Shut up Bitch!" I growl at him. "Ok just tell us what it is?" Robin said impatiently. "I found away to save the school" I said

They give me a surprise look at wait for my answer. . .

Elsa's POV

I went inside my house and lazily put my bag in the couch. "Hey" I look up to see my cheerfull cousin Olaf "Hi" I said trying to be happy but it turn out to be sad. "Why with the face?" he said full of concern. "Nothing" "Wel all you need is a warm hug. And I like warm hugs" he said pulling me up and he hug me.

I love my cousin. Very much. I let go of the hug and give him a 'Thank you' smile. He smile back and went to the guest room. Then the telephone ring. I hurridly went to it and answer.


"Hey Elsa"

Its Lily

"Can you come here in the studio for awhile? and bring the others."

"If its about singing a new song Im not in a mood" Seriously. Im not in amood after what happen.

"No its not. I know how to save your school"

"Really?" I said. I jump up and down almost letting it fall. Luckly I got it.

"Yeah and hurry."

She said and ended the call. "Olaf. Im going out for awhile" I shout and he shout back 'okay'. Jack's house is near so I ran to his house and ring the doorbell.

One if his maids open the gate and guide me to the living room. "Sir Jack will be here in a minute" she said. I give her a nod and she went up.

Jack's POV

I was staring at the cieling. Lieing in my bed doing nothing. I used to hate school but when we use our powers it turn out to be the best school year ever. A knock in my door came. My maid said their is a visitor waiting in the living room.

I got up and went down only to come face-to-face to Elsa.

"Hey Jack"

"Uh- hey. What brings you here?" I said going infront of Elsa. She suddenly jump up and down full of joy. Cute but curious. "Your not gonna believe it." she sudenly stop jumping. "Lily has an idea to save the school." "Really!?" I ask full of amazment thats great. I hug and spin her around. I stop and let her go.

Her face is pinkish. "Blushing" I said poking her cheek. She just rolled her eyes. "Come on lets got tell the others." I said and grab her hand.

I led her to my car and open the door for her. I went to the drivers seat, start the engine and heases to Hiccup's house.

-Time skip-

Elsa ring the door bell while I stay at her side. The door open reviling a happy Hiccup and Merida. "Why are you happy?" I ask curiously. because the last time I look at those 2 they were in aggony. "Hiccup confess" Merida said as Hiccup wrap a hand around her and Merida giggling. "CONGRATS LOVEBIRDS!" me and Elsa said as we did a group hug.

"But now is not the time." Hiccup said. "You recieve a message or a call from Lily." Elsa speak a little too fast. "Yes!" both of them said then we saw Rap's car. She jump out of the car and rum towards us. "Did you hear?" she ask as bubbly as always. "Yes" all of them said. "Lets go." I said "Oh and tell Rap the news of the 2 of you and me and Elsa will go ahead. I have an idea" I said.

I open the door for Elsa and went in. I start the engine and we headed to the studio. "So whats your plan Jack?" she ask. "I made a song." I said proud of myself. "Really!?" she ask surprise as she face me. "2 Actually and I pick 1 song for it." I said. "CONGRATS! What is it?" she said. More like Rap. "Secret. I'll tell you later" I said.

Lily's POV

After telling them me, Barney, Robin and Teddy went to North's house. Teddy ring the door bell and an old lady appeared.

"Hi! I'm North's wife. Is there anything you want?"

She said "Yes we want to speak to North. Its very very important the his ego will grow big." Barney said. I quickly slap his head and Robin didnt seem to mind. "What!?" "Language!" I said. "Of course come in" the old lady said. We went in and wait in the living room.

We heared footsteps coming down and the depress North came. "Ah, Friends, what brings you here?" he said forcing a smile. "We know a way to save thw school." Teddy said. His eyes widen and hug us all together. A bit to tight that we cant breath. "North" I said "Oh sorry." "If you want to kmow come with us. I know someone who can help them save the school"

Elsa's POV

We arrive at the studio and Rap's car at our tail. We went in and found North with them. "Hey" we said. They quickly look at us."Hi" they said in reply "So whats the plan?" Hiccup ask.

Lily step forword and said. "We are going to a compatition between you and One Direction" "Wa-wa-wait" I said "One Direction? The hottest boy band in UK?" "Yup" Teddy said. "If we win we get $ 6,000,000. Enough to save your school" Robin said happily. We all cheer, do fist pumps and high-fives. "And of course we need a littl help in your preformance." Barney said. "Why do we need that?" Rap said. "I figure out that you 5 have powers and we want to make use of that to impress the audiance and judges and to make it a legen- wait for it -dairy!" "Who is gonna help us?" Merida said raising her brow. "I would like to introduce you to..."

"Big Time Rush"



Like it? I know you do. Anyway -




and have a fabulous day.

And I forgot. My class is next week, Tuesday, so I might have a difficult time to finish the book and my volleyball too, it will end at 6:00. I'll try my best to update okay?" *thumbs up*

Bye *waving*

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