Chapter 33: Back As One

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Jack's POV

We were already in the school's field with our dragons ready. "Hiccup don't you think they freak out when they see us with this?" I ask. "Hey were stars. I think they will understand" Rap said. "I don't know with that but lets just try" Hiccup said. "Lets take off" Lily said. We hope on our dragons and flew to UK.

Author's POV

We stayed in a dark alleyway in UK. We undo our magic and went to the hotel we were assign to stay for the night.

My cousin lazily jump on the bed "So soft" he said and start to hug a pillow. I rolled my eyes and put my bag on the other bed. I open my bag and found a hand full of oranges. I smirk at myself. "Aya~ I have orange" I said. He quickly stand up and try to get it away from my hand but he missed. Instead he let himself fell to the floor. I laugh at him and he just give me a glare.

"Just give me the orange" he pleaded. "On one condition for the orange" I said. "Anything for the orange" he said. This orange lover boy. "Buy me a wireless headphone. Now!" I said. His eyes pop out "No. There is no way I can go out at this hour." he said denying. "Oh well guess you wont have Miss. Orange" I said slowly putting it back in my bad. "I'll do it" he said with a sigh.

I lend him my money and he went out. I quickly open the slide glass and look down. "OMG! Its him!" one of the girls said. Then a bunch of girls start to chase him. I tried to hold my evil laugh but it just went out. He quickly start to run after shouting "I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" "YOU STILL HAVE TO BUY THE HEADPHONES THOUGH!" I shout back. This is gonna be fun when he gets back.

~1 hour later~

I was reading 'The Hunger Games' book on my bed when the door open. I look up to find my messy Aya. His t-shirt was mostly ripped, his hair was standing on ends and his face is full of lipstick. I laugh non-stop and I fell to the floor. I saw him putting the headphones on my bed as he give me 'I-will-get-revenge' look. I hand him the orange and in just on bite. He's done.

"Thank you dear cousin" I said sweetly. He rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom to wash his face. What he doesn't know is that I secretly took a photo of him.

I got my phone and log in FB.

'Messy cousin who was chase by a bunch of fan girls'

I type and post it. It quickly have a 100,000 likes and 99 comments. I heard Aya's phone ring and he burst open the door. "Ok. Now to get my revenge" he said. He got my hunger games book and was about to throw it. "No! Not my book!" I yelled. "Trade" he said. I groan and get 5 oranges and 50 bucks. I handed it to him and he throw my book. Hitting it on my face.

"Thank you" He said as he sat down on his bed and start to text his friends while eating. I just continue reading when I feel Aya's dragon senses tingling. We quickly went out of the hotel and found the Big 5 and their manager at the back of dragons. People look scared at first but quickly change into an amazement look.

Aya secretly turn himself into a dragon and walk to them. I just follow him behind. When their face turn to us. They have a shock expression.

Rap's POV

We finally arrive in UK. We landed safely but the people around us were scared at first but it quickly change. "I stand corrected. Did I?" I said tautly and they just give me a smile. Then a dragon appeared with a girl with brown hair and eyes appeared behind it. We look shock mostly Hiccup.

"Hi! Im Shanley Gregorio" she said. Her dragon was talking to Toothless. "Thats my cousin. Dakin" she continued. We give her a confuse look. How can a dragon be a humans cousin? "A Skrill! I thought they are impossible to train" And as in cue it transform into a hondsome boy. I look at the 2 and yes their cousin but I cant tell who's older.

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