Chapter 20: Jealous Jack and Confessions

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Elsa's POV

"Elsa is that you?" the boy ask. I was scared, but then I became furious "What do you want Adrian?" he came closer and lift my chin up to meet his. "Now don't get mad darling" he said. I push him to the ground which made him groan in pain. My friends were shock even Macintosh. That's because they thought I was innocent. True but I can get a bit violent sometimes.

I knelt down beside him and said "Don't call me darling, and I don't want to see you" I said sweetly, but it turn cold at the last sentence. I stand up when a hand touch my wrist. I let go harshly and slap him in the face so hard that the the sound was louder.

"Don't ever come near me" I said and slowly tears started to roll down my cheeks at the memory. He rub the red park and I walk away. Jack came by side and started to comfort me. "Hey, You okay?" he said putting a hand in my shoulder. I started to sniff and wipe my tears. "Yeah I'm fine." I said smiling weakly. Then someone push him I look to see Adrian with an evil grin.

"Don't go near my girlfriend" he said. This time I kick his sensitive spot and he wailed in pain and knelt down. "I'm not your girlfriend!" I shout at him then ice started to spread slowly. Oh shit! calm down Elsa.

I thaw it and it was gone. He got up and grab my wrist tightly. I tried to let go of his grip but no use. His grip started to grow tighter. I scream in pain then someone punch him. His grip loosen and I look to see Jack in front of me. Protecting me. "Leave her alone" his said gritting his teeth. "Really and who's gonna stop me." he said mockingly. "I will" Jack said. Then Pitch and Zella came out of nowhere and went beside Adrian even Macintosh went beside him. "And who is gonna protect you?" Pitch said.

"I will" I said standing beside Jack. "We will" Merida said and the 3 went to our side. Macintosh laugh evilly and followed by the rest. "I would love to play your game but now is not the time" Pitch said. With a snap of his finger they disappear leaving black sand in their spot. "Lets go home" Hiccup said and we all went to the hotel


We sat in the couch from the living room with our bad day by our side. "Maybe we should get to know our selves better" Rap said. "What do you mean? Hiccup ask. "Well, since we have plenty of bad things happening around us I thought that all of us should know so that we will understand" We look at each other and Merida said "OK. Who should go first?"

Nobody said anything until Rap raise her hand. We look at her with a questioning face and she let a sigh and said. "My step mom was over protective because she might get scared that someone might cut my hair." she said and we give her a confuse look "Just. . sigh. . Don't freak out" she said and we all nod our heads.

Flower gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back that once was mine . . .

As she sing her hair started to glow. Our faces were full of surprise. When she was done her hair stop to glow and look at us. We were speechless. "My hair can heal any wound and if its cut it turns brown and loses its power" she said showing us the brown hair. "Does anyone else have one?" she ask.

"I have" Hiccup said "But I don't have powers. You might think I'm crazy but its true" he let out a deep sigh "I have a dragon in my house" he said. "Really then prove it when we get back" Merida said "I will and you will be surprise" he said boastfully "Anyone else?"

"Well my mum always wants me to be a lady but I told her I like who I am." Merida started "And we love who you are" Hiccup said. We gave both of them grins and they started to blush "You see that's the problem" she continued "She thought people doesn't like me because of my boyish attitude. Now I see why Macintosh dump me" she said. "Well its not true. We will always love the Merida we know" Rap said and we give her a smile and she smiled back. "Jack, Elsa Its your turn." Merida said.

I bit my lip and so is Jack. But why? "All right. I have a power" but before he can continue I ask "What power?" I said excited and curious but I tried to cover my excitement. Then a snowflake appeared in his hand. My eyes widen in surprise and so are they but mine is the widest. "Your turn Elsa" he said.

I take a deep breath. I stomp foot to the ground and the floor turn to ice. Jack has the same expression and I smiled.

"You 2 have the same powers?" Rap ask full of disbelief. "I guess so" I said. "Can you make it snow?" Merida said excited. "Sure but just for awhile so that they wont freak out.." I said and make ice skates for them "I didn't know you can do that" Jack said "Why jealous?" I said "Maybe" we both laugh and started to make snow.

I make winter clothes for them and they put it on. "Aren't you guys cold?" Hiccup ask. "The cold never bothered me anyway" Jack and I said at the same time. I smiled and he smiled back. "Come on lets play!" Rap said in the max of excitement.

I started to skate with them but stop when I notice Jack just standing their. "Hey aren't you coming?" I ask and he just give me a blank expression until I realize the problem "You don't know how to skate?" I ask and he just nod shyly.

"Have you skate before?"

"It was 3 years ago. I was skating with my sister but then a crack was under her feet. I sacrifice myself and I fell into the frozen lake." he said and his face started to soften. "One night I was risen and I found out I have powers of ice and snow." he said. "So when I went back home and told my parents they forbidden to skate." he said with a sad sigh.

I felt sorry for him. I reach out my hand and he give me a questioning look. "I'll teach you. After all my powers are powerful then yours and its not water." "I guess your right" he said and take my hand.

I teach some basics then he suddenly remember how and started to do some stunts. I was impress so I show off some of my stunts too.

While skating I trip which also make Jack trip because of my foot. My body was in the cold floor. When I open my eyes Jack was on top. Our foreheads and nose were touch and our lips were 1 inch apart. When Jack fell their was no space between us. I blush, deep red but we heard a disgusting sound.

"Guys get a room!" Hiccup said. I got up quickly and Jack followed. Merida and Hiccup chuckled which make my face look like cherry. I realize that Rap wasn't with them. Where is she? I was about to ask when a snowball hit me. I turn to see Rap playing with her snowball.

"Game?" she ask with a smirk. "Game it is" I said. I throw a snowball and it landed straight to her face. "Head shot!" I shouted then another snowball hit me. I threw one at Jack and soon we already have a snowball fight.

Hours past and we were exhausted. "Hey what time is it?" I ask Jack. "6:25" "Oh well, I have to make dinner. Jack help me clean this place" I said. Me and Jack thaw the room. Rap, Merida and Hiccup take out their skates and the clothes I made.

I went to the kitchen and started to cook.

Jack's POV

As Elsa went to the kitchen Merida, Hiccup and Rap give me a smirk. Oh great. This is not gonna be good. "So do you like it?" Merida ask "Like what?" "You know what we're talking about" Rap said acting like detective. "The fall" Hiccup said.

I gulp down as my cheeks grew red. "That blush my friend means you like it" Rap said and I give her a glare and she just ignore it. "And the way you behave in front of 'Adrian' is pretty weird" Merida said. Hiccup rub his chin thinking when his face lit up and form a grin from ear to ear.

Oh boy! This is getting worst. "You got jealous do you?" Hiccup said. "What makes you think that?" I said raising a brow. "The expression you have when he said 'girlfriend' and lift her chin was full of anger, sad and jealousy" Rap said "How do you know?" "Its so obvious Jack" she said in an obvious tone.

"So?" Merida said. "Can we not talk about this?" "Nope and we wont stop until you tell us. We know you can admit your feelings to a girl like her" I let out a deep sigh and sat at the couch. I look back at them waiting for my answer. "You got me" I finally said and they form a grin in their faces.


Good day to you my lovely readers! This is the last bad guy in Pitch's group. If you think Hans is in. Well, you have to keep reading. And enjoy this chapter!

-Shanley :)

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