Chapter 2: It Must Be A Mistake

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Chapter 2: It Must Be a Mistake

You ran down the sidewalk as fast as you safely could with so much snow on the ground. "Late, late, late!" you chanted to yourself. "Stupid snow made me late!"

The first load had almost melted away when suddenly a storm raced through and dumped another two feet onto the city. For a while there you'd literally been snowed into your house and classes had been canceled until Friday - today. But the city buses were still having trouble arriving on time; they were often fifteen or twenty minutes late.

You raced across the crosswalk as soon as the light flashed on, and arrived at the dining hall shortly after. Standing next to a gigantic snowdrift, shivering in the wind, was Junpei. He had a lonely expression on, but it vanished as soon as you came into view.

"There you are!" he yelled. "I thought you forgot - OOF!"

You had run right into him - to show affection, of course. He stumbled back a step but you were the one who went down on your butt.

"OW!!" you shouted.

"That'll teach you to challenge me, lightweight!" You took Junpei's hand, which hovered by your shoulder, and stood up. You wiped some snow from your backside and gave him a stern glare in response to his grin.

"One of these days I'll sneak up behind you," you growled.

"You still won't knock me down," he bragged.

The two of you went inside to eat, needing intense fuel for the history report you both had due in a week. When you were done, you headed for the library, arguing the whole time.

"Now that I've eaten, I bet I can knock you over," you announced. You got ready to charge.

Junpei laughed. "No way! I ate more than you did!"

"We got the same thing, you baka!" you yelled. Something about being around him made you louder for no reason.

"Yeah, but my cheeseburger was bigger!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

You were in the library then, so you lowered your fight to a whisper. It was way less impressive though. You traded 'was-not's and 'was-too's while waiting for the elevator.

You rode to the top floor where you could be loud again, since no-one ever went up there.

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"It was and my cookie was bigger too!" Junpei yelled.

You didn't reply except by making a loud noise and shoving him. The shove failed miserably and he got you in a headlock.

"Lemmee go!" you shouted.

Surprisingly he did, and you stomped off to an end table. "Let's just get the stupid project done!" you huffed.

"Fine, fine." You flicked Junpei a suspicious glance. He was being weird.

An hour later, your brain was fried and your bladder was full. "Be right back," you told Junpei. He just grunted - he was in the middle of thinking.

While you were drying your hands, you felt your pocket buzz. You looked down in surprise - your phone was in your pocket for a change. You pulled it out and flipped it open.

"'Do you want to start?'" you read. "'Yes or no.'"

Your automatic response was to think 'start what?' but you clicked 'yes'. Something told you this was important.

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