Chapter 15: Run Like the Wind!

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Chapter 15: Run Like the Wind!

"Oh! This is so COOL!" you yelled. The closest monsters in the harbor crowd gave you strange looks. "Look at all the stuff!"

"Quit acting so excited, Ally-han. It's just a harbor," Bokomon told you.

"Yeah, but it's COOL!"

"It's loud too," Izumi added. "I guess today is market day."

"Can you hear the spirit?" Takuya asked you.

"Hear the what?" you said with surprise. Luckily, you remembered before he got mad. "Oh, right! No, I can't hear a thing in this crowd."

"Then we'll have to go somewhere quiet," Takuya announced.

"But it's COOL!" you complained.

Junpei hooked an arm around your neck and dragged you off after Takuya. "Come on, we'll find more 'cool' stuff to see."

You made some loud and rather convincing choking noises, until you saw Kouichi looking at you with obvious worry. "I'm okay," you told him. "Junpei doesn't fall for this trick anymore."

"That's 'cause I'm not squeezing that hard!" he barked.

"You can let go of me," you snapped. "I'm not gonna run away like a little kid."

He let you go and you ran off, dragging Kouichi with you. "Run away like a little kid, Kouichi! Go, go!" you shouted.

Junpei chased after you, but you were fast and tricky. You wove through the crowds and buildings until you found a little door ajar. You ducked inside, shut it, and pounced on Kouichi so he wouldn't yell and give away your hiding spot.

"Shush!" you hissed. You kept your hand over his mouth until the footsteps chasing you had gone past. Then you peeked out. There was nobody there.

"Great!" you said with a grin. "Now let's go exploring!"

"But we didn't have to run away to go exploring!" Kouichi protested. "We were all looking for the spirit anyway."

"Yeah, I know," you said. "We're looking for the spirit, but we aren't having fun." You grinned at him. "Besides, I always find this stuff with dumb luck! So, the best strategy is to look without searching."

Kouichi blinked. "To what?"

"To wander around and wait for a sign," you explained. "Come on, let's go see the water!"

~Junpei POV~

I had run almost to the edge of the town and still hadn't seen Ally or Kouichi. That could only mean that sneaky girl had hidden somewhere and waited for me to pass by.

I stopped to catch my breath in the shadow of a building. 'Why on earth did you run away, Ally?!' I thought for the hundredth time. 'Takky's not gonna like this.'

Of course, I had an idea why she had run. Takky's drive had probably made her nervous. Ally preferred to go at her own pace.

"Well, the good news is that she'll find the spirit faster. The bad news is that she might not come back," I mumbled to myself. "At least, if her independent streak wins over her good sense."

Though, I did wonder why she hadn't taken me along with her. I would've gone...

~Your POV~

"Oooooooh!" you gasped. "Neat!"

The port doubled as a marketplace and it was bustling with business. At the moment, however, you were too busy looking at the waves crashing against the concrete wall to notice. To do so, you had dangled your upper half at a dangerous angle over the low railing, causing Kouichi unending panic.

After you ignored his fourth plea for you to get down and away from the edge, he finally gave up and joined you. He didn't lean over as far as you though.

"What're you looking at that's so fascinating?" he asked.

You wriggled forward to relieve the pain of the wall-edge digging into your stomach. "I'm looking for fish or crabs or dolphins or -" Suddenly you wobbled as you overbalanced and your heart skipped a beat.

You grabbed onto the wall like a lizard and at the same time Kouichi got ahold of the back loop of your belt and yanked you back. You exhaled with relief and worked on slowing your heartbeat.

"I warned you that you were going to fall," he sighed.

"That's why I brought you along to save me," you replied flippantly. Like iron to a magnet, you were drawn back to the edge, though you only leaned your upper body over this time. "I like to watch fish swimming."

Kouichi chuckled and then abruptly grabbed your shoulder. "There's one!" he said, pointing out a few feet into the sea.

A fin was cutting through the water, heading right towards you two. It slowed to a stop and a strange, plate-covered head emerged from the waves. It stared at you and you stared back, trying to decide what it looked like. Your first thought was a turtle.

"Hi there!" it called cheerfully.

You blinked. "Hi."

"My name's Coelamon," it said brightly.

"I'm Ally," you replied. You could hardly believe you were introducing yourself to a turtle-fish.

"I'm Kouichi," Kouichi said. He sounded as dumbstruck as you felt.

You were suddenly seized by curiosity. "What sort of Digimon are you?" you asked.

"I'm an ancient fish type," it proclaimed proudly. "What about you two. What sort of creatures are you?"

"We're humans." Kouichi nodded agreement with you. "We're looking for the spirit that's supposed to be around here."

"What do you need the spirit for?" Coelamon asked in surprise.

"Something is attacking the Digital World and we were summoned here to stop it," Kouichi explained.

"You know where it is!" you declared eagerly. "Would you please tell us?"

It looked like Coelamon glanced around before it replied. "I suppose I will, but not here where anyone can hear. There's a beach on the northern harbor-coast. I'll meet you there." It ducked under the waves and was gone with a splash.

You blinked and instantly shot away from the wall. "Come on, Kouichi, move your feet!" you yelled while running north. "We have a spirit to get!"

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