Chapter 28: Sewers and Forests

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Chapter 28: Sewers and Forests

"Okay kids, we're here!" Trailmon announced as he rolled to a stop in a dark looming station. "Giro Factory, home to some of the most advanced mechanical Digimon in the Digital World. So all you little chatterboxes get off here."

"Finally!" Takuya shouted. "I thought we'd never get here!"

"Hey! You try running across the world's biggest desert carrying a bunch of screaming monkeys and see how long it takes you!"

"Oh, uh..." Takuya rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as you all piled out to look around. "Sorry, that wasn't what I meant to say."

"Yeah, yeah." Trailmon yawned hugely and seemed to sag onto the tracks more. "Just beat it so I can get some sleep."

"Maybe we could make it up to him," you said thoughtfully. "We could give him a ba-mmph!"

Junpei, Tomoki, and Izumi all grabbed you and covered your mouth tightly so that you couldn't get out that final magical word as they hauled you out of Trailmon's hearing. The other boys followed looking somewhat baffled.

"What are you doing?! Don't volunteer us to wash Trailmon like that!" Junpei grumbled in your ear.

With a kick you managed to wrestle his hand away from your mouth. "I was just trying to be nice!"

"There's such a thing as being too nice!"

"No, there's not!"

"Yes, there is!"

"Okay, knock it off!" Takuya barked. He leapt in and separated you from the others, which at first flattered you until he leaned in close and asked, "So, do you hear Agunimon's spirit yet?"

"Don't you ever give it a rest?" you sighed.

"C'mon you must hear something!"

"All I hear is you shouting in my ear, Takky!"

"Then listen harder!"

"Hey! What's all the racket down here?!" Suddenly a bunch of creatures made up of three gears dropped down from the ceiling and surrounded your group. Their middle gear was large and black and had their eyes and mouth on it while the side gears were gold and just looked like an approximation of arms or wheels. "You're going to wake Giromon!"

"Yeah, and we just got him to put down the chainsaw and go to sleep!"

You didn't quite believe your ears. "Did you say chainsaw??"

Then, disturbingly close and loud, you heard a chainsaw roar to life and a high-pitched cackle. "So much corrupted data... Gotta cut it out... before it spreads... Gotta..."

With a shower of sparks the blade of a chainsaw ripped through the wall to your left, cutting out a portion of the metal which was then blasted apart. Through the hole shot a tiny blue Digimon with big horns and long arms. And a giant chainsaw.

"GOTTA SLICE IT ALL UP!!" it screamed and charged at you with clear madness in its eyes.

You, your friends, and the gear Digimon all screamed and went pelting off in the opposite direction as a chainsaw sliced through the space you had just been occupying. Back in the station Trailmon was gone and the gears all went sailing off in different directions. But it was the seven of you that Giromon focused on and aimed for.

"TAKUYA, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" you bellowed as everyone ran for a tunnel on the other side of the tracks.

"Get in line!" Izumi replied.

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