Chapter 16: "Jaws" Starring Nessie

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Chapter 16: "Jaws" Starring Nessie

~Junpei POV~

"What do you mean she ran away?!"

"I meant exactly what I said," I replied sharply. Takuya's yelling was getting on my nerves. "As quiet as she may be, Ally's still a - a loose cannon."

"This isn't funny, Junpei-han!" Bokomon spluttered. "She's the key to finding the spirits! Weren't you watching her?!"

"I'm not her babysitter!" I snapped.

"Guys, guys, calm down!" Izumi said, stepping between me and Takuya. "It's not like we can't go find her in the town."

"Izumi's right," Kouji said. "And Kouichi is with her. He'll keep her out of trouble."

"Fine," Takuya spat. "Let's go find her, then."

~Your POV~

"IT'S THE BEEEEEEEEEEACH!!" you shouted as you ran along the sand. "Let's build a sandcastle!" You sat down and began digging furiously to make a pile of sand to shape.

"Ally-chan," he chided as he jogged to your side, "we're here to talk to Coelamon, not play. We have to find the spirit."

"But - But I haven't been to a beach in years!" you whined.

He chuckled. "We can play after we get the spirit. That way Takuya won't yell."

You pouted but stood up. "All right, if it'll prevent yelling."

"The water's shallow around here," he said. "Let's go out tot he headland where it's deeper."

"Hmph!" you said.

The two of you walked along the beach near the surf-line, not talking. It wasn't anything bad, though. Kouichi wasn't much of a talker and you were still pretending to be mad. You were really enjoying the sun and the wind, but the urge to make a sandcastle was still gnawing at you.

When you reached the end of the cape, you both waited for a bit. But when Coelamon didn't show up, your attention wandered. You sat down to dig again while Kouichi kept a watch on the waves. You lost track of time for a while.

"This doesn't seem good."

Kouichi's worried voice pulled you out of your own world. You looked up at him. "What d'you mean?"

He looked down at you. "I mean, we've been here a long time and Coelamon still isn't here."

You were surprised by this and even more so when you realized the hole you were digging was hip-deep. "Oh! You're right!" You suddenly became worried too. "I wonder why."

Then the ocean exploded. A bundle of energy came rocketing out of the deep and cut a ravine in the cape only a few yards to your left. It drove in past the beach and tore up the forest as well, throwing trees into the air.

You and Kouichi were staring over your shoulders with twin looks of shock. "Did that just happen?" you asked in a monotone.

"Yes," Kouichi said, also in a monotone. "Whatever it was just happened. Definitely happened."

"What was it?" you continued.

"Hell if I know," he replied.

There was a splash and a roar, and the two of you looked back out at the ocean where a white sea monster was thrashing about. It looked like it was in a lot of pain or something. Then it dove back under the water and there were a few seconds of silence.

"Nessie?" you guessed.

Then the monster reappeared and charged up onto the beach directly at you. You yelled and scrambled out of your hole faster than you've ever moved before in the absence of bees. Don't ask. Kouichi helped pull you out of the way as the white monster collapsed over your hole with a weird noise.

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