Chapter 30: By the Moon's Light

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Chapter 30: By the Moon's Light

You were having an odd dream. A tall person with the face of a fox had saved you from a giant talking loogie. It had brought you someplace calm and quiet though you were having some difficulty breathing. Then it set you down and leaned in close.

"You'll be safe from him here. But finish locating the rest of the human and beast spirits. Only with them all together will you have the strength to defeat your enemy."

Then the fox-person was gone and you were left all alone, except for a faint voice calling from the end of a long dark tunnel. You followed it, diving headfirst into the light and suddenly -

You jerked awake with a cough and the very first thing you saw was all of your spirits gathered around you, looking down at you with concern.

"Ally!" cried Dramon. "Thank goodness you're awake! Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I think so," you answered, rubbing your head. "What on earth happened?"

"It seems our enemy was indeed too strong for us to challenge alone," Mercurymon admitted.

"That's putting it lightly!" Dramon snapped. "You nearly got Ally killed and the rest of us stolen! I hope you're satisfied now!"

"You'd do well to watch the tone you take with me, Dramon!"

Your spirit growled and clenched a fist, looking like she was about to punch Mercurymon in his 'face' and leave a giant dent behind. At the same time, Mercurymon wasn't about to just let her smack him without any resistance. He lifted one of his shields and frowned with concentration.

"Hey, hey," you said, scrambling uncertainly to your feet. "Everyone settle down. We're all okay and there's - why is the ground pink?"

It wasn't just the dusty pink dirt under your sneakers that you had noticed; the scruffy grass growing from it was a deep reddish color as was the thick forest springing up off in the distance. The sky was weird too - even though the sun was out the sky was dark and the stars were shining clear overhead. And the Digiworld was -

Your jaw dropped. "There's - how's - WHAT?!"

"Told you she notice world in sky," Grumblemon commented.

"How is THAT in the SKY?!" you shrieked. "And if it's up there, then where the hell are we?!"

"It's okay, Ally! We're on one of the moons!" Dramon explained, motioning for you to calm yourself.

"We were brought here by an expert in teleportation," Mercurymon informed you. "Luckily. Otherwise you'd be at the bottom of a river of sewage right now."

"But human children still in danger," Grumblemon said.

"We need to get back down to the surface, sugah. That big brute isn't going to leave your friends alone while we hold a garden party up here."

"Yeah, so how we s'posed to get back, kid?" asked Arbormon.

"Wait a minute," Dramon said, holding up a hand.

You had barely heard anything that the souls had been saying. You were on the freaking moon! The planet was up in the sky! Shock was the least of what you were feeling.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" you shrieked, running in circles with panic. "What the hell is this?! How did I get on the damn moon?!"

You ran and screamed until your breath ran out and you had to stop, bent over with your hands on your knees, panting rapidly. The exertion had worn you out and pushed the panic back but you weren't even close to being calm.

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