Chapter 47: Codes Between Friends

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Chapter 47: Codes Between Friends

~Junpei POV~

"Wow, Angler! You're pretty tough to have withstood that blow from Blossomon!" Ally called to the engine. In typical fashion she was leaning out the window of the train car so far that I expected her to be sucked out and vanish at any second. But I knew better than to bring it up - she wasn't the sort to listen to safety advice.

"I could not have done it without your help, Liebschon!" Angler replied with a cheerful whistle. "I was rattled right down to mein bolts but zhat wunderbar flame of yours fixed me right up again!"

"It's no problem! That's what I do!"

I just sat and watched her, leaning at the waist over the frame of the window, sun shining reflected in her hair as it was blown back by the fierce wind. That grin on her face, that devil-may-care grin... it was like a sun unto itself, shining light onto everything - and everyone - around her.

Suddenly Ally yelped and I saw her legs flailing as she started to overbalance. Luckily I got to her just in time to pull her back to safety.

"That was awesome!" she yelled.

I let out a sound that was half sigh and half laugh. "Ally, why do you act so crazy?" Then I hugged her close and rested my forehead against the top of her skull.

I felt her still but she didn't jab me or pull away. "Well, if I didn't act so crazy I wouldn't get nearly as much attention from you."

"Oh? Is that what you want?" Why was my heart beating so fast?

"Yeah, I like getting attention..." Then, almost too quiet to hear. "... Especially from you."

I could've swallowed my tongue from the shock.

Then suddenly Angler whistled and began to brake. "Woo woo! This stop: Code Village! Code Village!"

~Your POV~

The Trailmon's announcement broke the spell you were under. You suddenly became aware of Junpei's strong arms wrapped around you and the warm glow in your heart and soul.

You pulled away and at the same moment Junpei released you. You took a couple of steps but then found yourself at a loss of what to do next. As the train slowed you couldn't quite bring yourself to look back at Junpei - thanks to your mouth running off like a greyhound, the atmosphere had become even more awkward.

As you scrambled to figure out what to do or say, the Trailmon continued to slow. Then it came to a full stop and steam hissed out from under the frame. The doors popped open and all you could think was, 'Escape!'

"W-We should hop off here," you said unsteadily. "There could be a spirit nearby."

The only response you received was, "Right."

Still you couldn't bear to look back at Junpei as you got off. You were consumed with worry - how were you going to find the spirits if the two of you couldn't even look at each other? Worse yet... were you still friends??


Your head snapped up; that wasn't Junpei's voice!

Kouichi! Without even realizing it you'd walked right up to Kouichi just outside the Trailmon station. He looked just as surprised as you felt - it was your first meeting all over again.

"Kouichi!" you cried and you ran to hug him.

"Ally! I'm so glad to see you! We were all worried!"



"Hey, Ally!"

"What, no 'hello Junpei'?" Junpei asked peevishly.

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