Chapter 58: Free At Last

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Chapter 58: Free At Last

~Your POV~

You were excited and your fighting spirit was back! All that you needed to do now was rescue Wyvernmon and Kouichi's Beast Spirit of Darkness - with the might of all the spirits combined, the Destruction Dragon would be defeated and the Digital World would be saved.

But how to rescue them?

Suddenly a storm of lightning broke out nearby. You flinched but it was only Cherubimon, looking exhausted and holding a spear of crimson electricity.

"Wait, Cherubimon?! But how did-"

"There's no time for that!" he barked in his startlingly deep voice. "With all the spirits found, the Destruction Dragon will have gained power as well - it's still siphoning from Wyvernmon and JagerLöweemon. My barrier won't hold much longer."

He stared directly at you and it didn't take a genius to know what he was thinking - he was not impressed. "Frankly, child, I still don't think you have what it takes to save our world. But you're all we have left. You must retrieve those two before my barrier fails."

"But how?" Kouichi asked.

"You'll have only one chance," Cherubimon said and he leaned in close to explain his plan.

~Takuya/BurningGreymon POV~

"All right!" I held up my D-Tector. "Let's save the Digital World!"

In response, Tomoki and Izumi both de-evolved and brought out their D-Tectors.

"And Ally!" MetalKabuterimon added.

"And Kouichi!" said KendoGarurumon.

"Let's agree we're going to save everyone, shall we?" Bokomon interrupted.

"Bokomon, you're ruining the mood," Izumi whispered.

"Tomoki? Izumi? Any time now."

"Wind into flame!"

"Ice into flame!"

"Here goes everything! Unity Execute: Unified Spirit Evolution!"

The feeling of Unity Evolving was vastly different than regular Spirit Evolving or even Beast Spirit Evolving. It was like becoming a live volcano.


I gestured to the others to move back a little. "Keep back, guys. No telling what'll happen when I bust this thing open."

Drawing my sword, I swung a few times to limber up and then readied to strike. With a shout I brought the blade down onto the dark shell with all the strength I had (which was considerable, not to brag). There was an almighty clang, far louder than the one I had caused as BurningGreymon, that vibrated the very atoms of the air.

And left behind was a tiny chip.

"That's the way!" Junpei cheered.

"Keep going, Takuya!"

"I'll split it like a watermelon!" I announced and charged again.

~Your POV~

"This is it!" Cherubimon roared as he positioned himself to challenge the Destruction Dragon once more. "Today you will be defeated and the Digital World will be saved! If I must, I'll do it myself!"

"You?" it laughed. "Without the other Celestials, you're nothing!"

"You!" Cherubimon snarled.

"A lone angel, merely a relic of a world already dead. And yet you still don't know when to surrender!"

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