Chapter 25: Deep Dark Fear

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Chapter 25: Deep Dark Fear



"Would you two knock it off and come on?!" Takuya snapped. "We gotta get to that factory as soon as we can!"

"Okay, okay," you grumbled as he pushed past you and started into the dark cave. "Someone's inner child is crying right now."

"He's just really focused," Tomoki said as he fell into step beside you. "Takuya-oniichan is the leader so he feels responsible for us. He probably wants to find his spirit so bad so that he can help fight instead of relying on you, Kouichi, and Junpei."

You sighed and your shoulders slumped. "I'm doing my best, but it's not like I can snap my fingers and make it appear. We'll find it when we find it."

"I know," Tomoki said with a smile. "That's why I'm trying to be patient. But it's awfully hard to wait."

"I think we're all excited for when you find our spirits," Izumi said quietly as she sidled over to the two of you. "Not that I'm pressuring you! I'm just saying."

"I know. You two've been pretty patient considering -" Suddenly you interrupted yourself with a gasp. "HEY, LOOK!"

The tunnel wasn't natural, it had been dug to lay down a Trailmon track, which your group had been following since the mine. The main tunnel sloped gently upward, but your attention had been captured by a side tunnel which descended into the mountain's heart. At its entrance was an old Trailmon carriage covered in dust and dents. Your first thought was 'roller coaster!'

"Roller coaster!" you cried and charged at it. But something suddenly grabbed you by the back of your collar and yanked you away from the cart. "Gak!"

"Are you crazy?!" Junpei demanded. "You don't even know where that track leads!"

"But it'll be fun!" you yelled. "Don't you know anything about fun?!"

"I know plenty about fun! But I also know about the dangers of this world! What if that track is a dead-end and you crash?!"

"... Oh..." You stopped resisting and absently noted that your friend was holding you up on your tip-toes. "I... didn't think of that."

"Well, you should start thinking of it," Kouji growled. "This world isn't a game or a story. It's serious and everything you do has consequences."

You looked down at your feet, at a total loss for words. What could you say to that? You knew it was real life - you were living it - but did you ever think about consequences, good or bad?

While you were zoned out, Junpei put you down and the group briefly crowded around the train car to inspect it.

"I wonder what it's doing here," Izumi mused.

"Yeah, why would a Trailmon leave its car behind?" Tomoki added.

"Is this really what we're talking about right now?!" Takuya howled. "Why trains leave their cars behind in a tunnel?!"

"Calm down, Takky." Junpei moved past the others and up to the front of the train car to look down into the dark tunnel. "Huh. Hey, Ally!"

You jumped. "Eh? What?"

"C'mere and see this."

"What is it?"

"Just c'mere!"

"Okay, fine!" You pouted and moved forward cautiously. It wasn't unheard of for Junpei to try to toss you into a puddle as a prank. "So what's so great that you need me to see it and risk Takuya's wrath?"

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