Chapter 42: Long Mon Silver Returns!

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Chapter 42: Long Mon Silver Returns!

Leaning as far out of the Trailmon window as you could, you took it all in: the brilliant sunshine, the salty spray of the ocean, and the squeals of seagulls as they swooped past. Warm, tropical air roared in your ears and the brilliant blue ocean stretched to the horizon in all directions.

"Now this is more like it!" you cheered to the sky.

"You can say that again, sugah!" Ranamon said. The Water Warrior was also leaning out of a window behind you to embrace the delightful wind.

"We're approaching the tropics," Wyvernmon chimed in. Her soul, far too large to fit in the car with you and the Human Spirits, was soaring alongside the train tracks. "It's a nice change from the polar tundra, eh?"

"And from winter in my world too," you said with a shiver. "I didn't tell you all before but we've had tons of snow and ice where I'm from. I don't think I've been warm, truly warm, for two months."

"You can't possibly still be cold now!" Agunimon said.

"Ah, I think my bones are starting to thaw out finally."

"Let us know when your brain thaws too," Mercurymon sniffed.

"Oh, Mercurymon!" you laughed. "Doesn't the sunshine cheer you up at all? Smile! Laugh! Or at least don't glower!"

"And watch where you point your face!" Agunimon griped. "You're going to burn out someone's retinas!"

You giggled and brushed back your bangs as the Trailmon clattered along the tracks. Then you sensed Dramon poke her head out the window in front of you.

"You're sure in a good mood today, Ally."

"And why not? Only a nut couldn't enjoy such a warm, sunny day!" you replied.

"Not to be a wet blanket on your enjoyment," Wyvernmon said. "However you need to stay focused. Our enemy could be anywhere."

"Okay, focused. Focused!" you said seriously.

"Woo woo!" Trailmon whistled. "This stop, Toucan Paradise! Toucan Paradise Beach Resort!"

You gasped excitedly. "Beach Resort?!"

"Beans!" Wyvernmon grumbled.

~Junpei POV~

I came to floating in the middle of the ocean; luckily I had somehow managed to get hold of a big piece of driftwood so I didn't sink into the depths. Instead I was just bobbing aimlessly along on the swells of turquoise.

"Oh, this is bad," I muttered. "Very bad."

I tried to pull myself up on top of the log to get a look around - there had to be land nearby somewhere! - and I almost slipped off completely. After splashing and spluttering for a bit I wound up in the exact same position as when I had started.

"Ugh," I groaned. The sun was bright and hot but the water was like liquid ice. It was rather rough on... certain sensitive parts of me.

"What the heck'm I gonna do?!" I couldn't even evolve and fly for land since I had no idea which direction to go!

Then I saw a sight which made my blood run cold - something like a dozen blue-gray fins slicing towards me through the water. All headed towards me! Sharks!

There was more thrashing and splashing as I grabbed for my D-Tector but then the fins were upon me. I braced myself, expecting to feel sharp teeth at any second.

But instead of seeing a dozen grinning carnivorous faces and about ten million jagged teeth aimed at me, there were instead a dozen grinning bottle-noses facing my way. Dolphmon!

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