Chapter 34: Lessons Among the Leaves

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Chapter 34: Lessons Among the Leaves

It took you a long time to figure out where you were. You explored the metallic city slowly, blinded half of the time by the sun shining off the glossy chrome of the skyscrapers. You were looking for local Digimon to talk to - if Mercurymon's teleportation abilities were worth anything maybe they had brought you close to a new spirit. But the place seemed deserted: it was just shiny buildings and Trailmon tracks as far as the eye could see.

Only when you took a closer look at what first appeared to be a blocky trash can did you meet a local. It was a blocky robot just a few feet tall with clawed arms, flashing lights, and an antenna on its head.

You had approached slowly but the thing looked like it was sleeping. A single yellow light on its chest blinked every few second but otherwise it was motionless.

"Uh, hello?"

The robot's reaction was immediate - it whirred to life as all its indicators flashed and its arms began to flail. "Danger! Danger!" it shrieked.

"Woah, hey! I'm not dangerous!" you yelped. "I'm just lost!"

"Don't mind him," Mercurymon commented in a bored tone. "Tinmon are prone to overreacting when addressed directly."

The robot's head suddenly started to spin and it began projecting a deafening siren. You winced and covered your ears as Mercurymon's image wavered and filled with static.

"Knock it off, Tinmon!" Dramon shouted as she appeared, also faint and distorted by static. "You're giving us all a migraine!"

"I got it!" you said, though it was doubtful the spirits heard you over the racket. "Hi-yah!"

You smacked Tinmon's chest with your palm and the siren instantly stopped. Its head also stopped rotating and it was reduced to twitching helplessly. "Da-da-da-da-"

"... Oopsies." You weren't sure what to do now - technology was definitely not your strength. "I think I broke it."

"Well done," Mercurymon said snidely. "Now if only that would work half so well on our true foe the world would be saved."

"Put a sock in it," you snapped. "Computers are not my thing!"


"Luckily for us I can fix a variety of things," Dramon said. "Let me out and I'll take care of it."

After evolving and breathing a little of Dramon's Spirit Flame onto Tinmon it was restored and fully functioning again. At the same time other Tinmon had gathered, but they weren't flying off the handle like the first one. They simply waddled over and formed a circle around you, antennas spinning rapidly.

"Unusual energy signature detected," commented one. "Analyzing... Analyzing..."

"Form scan complete. Match found," intoned another. "Dramon, Legendary Warrior of Souls, Human Form. Attacks include Spirit Flame and Spirit Claw."

"Scans indicate other Legendary Warrior spirits also present. Wyvernmon, Beast Form of Souls; Mercurymon, Human Form of Steel; Ranamon, Human Form of Water; Grumblemon, Human Form of Earth; Arbormon, Human Form of Wood. Power level: significant. Threat level: zero."

They didn't seem to be readying an attack so you de-evolved and stood awkwardly in their midst. "Uh, hi," you said with a tentative wave.

"Change detected!" barked a Tinmon. "New energy signature and form detected!"

"Scanning... Match found. Subject is human. Power level: zero."

"Hey! Well, I've been called worse." You looked around, not sure which of the Tinmon to address. "Can one of you tell me where I am? I kinda got here in a weird way so I have no idea where I am."

Digimon Frontier: The Warrior's Returnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें