Chapter 48: Broken Nightlight Land

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Chapter 48: Broken Nightlight Land

~Junpei POV~

Terrible screams. Such terrible screams. We were hunkered down in what seemed to be the ruins of an old temple. The screaming was our pursuer - a terrible beast bent on our obliteration. We couldn't fight, we could only hide.

Those evil red eyes and great black wings. That was all I kept seeing in my mind.

It was even worse knowing who was behind them.


~Your POV~

You eyed the long strip of dark land and the dark sky above it. Running below you was a thin belt of land with a Trailmon track running down it. It led to a gate - you recognized the symbol for darkness that'd been etched into it.

"Land ho!" Neemon shouted.

You heard a snap and a squeal. "Bakamon!" Bokomon barked. "I'm the one on lookout!"

The two Digimon and all your friends were perched on the head of your Beast form, Wyvernmon. You were flying them, as steadily as possible, to the Dark Continent in search of the remaining beast spirits.

It was an urgent race. The strange monster called the Destruction Dragon was clearly growing stronger and stronger as you located the spirits and it was becoming a serious threat now. Only the fact that you all kept moving was keeping you out of harm's way.

"I'm glad we're almost there," you sighed. "Flying is great but this Beast Spirit is exhausting."

"Don't worry, Ally. You'll get used to it after a few more evolutions," Kouichi assured you.

"Maybe so, but first I need some rest." You could feel your wings beginning to tremble and the exhaustion was creeping into your brain. You'd be able to land in like ten minutes but it seemed an eternity away.

But with some encouragement you made it to the gate and landed, de-digivolving after the others disembarked. You were a little dizzy but the sensation wore off quickly.

"Beans! Now I'm hungry!" you groaned.

Immediately a chocolate bar was thrust under your nose and you seized it eagerly. "You're the best, Junpei!"

Takuya led you all through the gate and into the dark forest beyond. As you munched your chocolate you looked all around, fascinated by this new land. The sky was dark, the soil was dark, even the tops of the trees where the sun should shine were dark. The trees looked strange too - were they tropical or deciduous? Whichever they were, something like Spanish moss was dangling from the branches, waving back and forth in the breeze.

"Do you think we should go to the Rose Morning Star?" Izumi asked.

Your attention refocused on the group when you heard the odd question. "What's a Rose Morning Star?"

"That's it up there," Kouichi said, pointing at the sky above the treetops in front of you.

Hovering in the overcast sky was a formation of rosy pink light interlinked to form a rose shape. It was very pretty and it glowed serenely, but it also made you feel nervous for some reason.

"Why are we going there?"

Everyone began to tell the story of their last adventure and their trip to the Rose Morning Star. With Seraphimon gone and Cherubimon consumed by evil, their only hope was to free Ophanimon from her imprisonment. They arrived at the Dark Continent and found their steps dogged by the evil Legendary Warriors, including Kouichi as Duskmon. But at last, with the other warriors defeated and Kouichi freed from Cherubimon's control, they arrived at the castle beneath the Rose Morning Star for the final battle against Cherubimon.

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